WIP The Bloated Goat Inn

So this is a work in progress for learning CD3 and buildings. I've learned a lot walking through this, but there is still a long way to go. One question I have is how do I change the direction of the shadows? Right now the building shadows go to the top of the screen and I would like to have the light come from the top and go down. Also does anybody have a link to a nice wooden stairway? I need one for the outside in the back of the Inn. So any thoughts, comments, and suggestions? I'll be updating as I complete more.
Thanks KenG
Edit: So I have updated the main floor, I added an interior wall sheet to remove the extra shadows, fixed a few other little problems and moved the outhouse to fit better with the overall design.
Thanks KenG
Edit: So I have updated the main floor, I added an interior wall sheet to remove the extra shadows, fixed a few other little problems and moved the outhouse to fit better with the overall design.
The only other thing I would suggest is adding a little edge fade inner to those dirt paths in the backyard (so they blend in more with the grass).
oh yeah...and you can find tons of stairs and stair overlays on the dunjinni forums (and I think there are some good ones in the CSUAC also).
I 2nd the dunjinni forum, a lot of symbols found their way over there, and CSUAC as well. For some reason I never find that many fresh symbols over here though. Hmmm, of course I have never posted any of mine here either. I will have to remedy that.
I found the stairs also at dunjinni forums so thanks to both of you for that also. I still have more to do with the main floor, and then the basement and the upper floors. I'll post more for review as I'm able to get them completed.
Thanks again, Ken
Would love to see updates.
And a tip, when drawing walls, dont start in the corner. That way you get "gaps" like the upper left of you map.
(Learned this myself the hard way).
Thanks again
Edit. I've updated the map adding a window in the bathtub room and changing the direction of the sun, however the inside shadows from the walls is something that may take me a while to figure out
The only thing I'd change is add some sort of light in the room with the tub. Maybe a candle holder, or a table to hold your own light or something. If you were actually in there and shut the door it would be pitch black.
Edit: Also, all the inner walls are creating shadows based on the sun, which may not make sense. I am not really sure of a good way to handle that easily, though.
Thanks for the feedback it has been helpful.
Edit I've been having a blast working through this map, Now with people.
I love those dogs
Simple et efficace
This looks fantastic! I bought Campaign Cartographer 3 and now have Dungeon Designer 3. What do I need to create a fantastic Inn like this?