exporting images problem

I'm hoping I'm not just being obtuse here, but I got the full package, and I am going through the manuals (had cc2 ages ago, a few computer crashes and a house fire ago, so going for a total fresh start). using the CC3 User Manual, i'm going through it before i start working on the Tome of Ultimate Mapping (i'll likely be going back and forth between a lot of pdfs through this, wanting to learn as much as i can, even if i have to pac emyself.) anyway, got to the pirnt and export section (no printer yet, so read through that part quickly), and then to the export as images, and i started having a problem.

If i export to jpg, it will show in my grpahics viewer (irfanview), and i can save the jpg in that program, but it won't save on its own. a png, i just get a brief glimpse of an image file, but nothing is saved, nor is there an option to save. In bmp, the same, though if i look back in the menu through cc3 it tells me there is an image file there, though i cannot find it through windows.

Anyone have any suggestions? (pc, windows 7, and as i said, i have the whole shebang. trying to sort out the wwII atlas, but i see there's a thread on that already)


  • Henrie61Henrie61 Traveler
    edited January 2013
    When saving look carefully at the map CC3 is saving your image to.
    CC3 has quite a illogical way to determine where to "default" save its maps.
    This makes it quite hard to find them again.

    I also found it easier to save my maps outside of the CC3 directory.
    They are in the "my documents/CC3" folder.
    This way they also automatically get backed up (if you have that enabled).
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: Farrinthough if i look back in the menu through cc3 it tells me there is an image file there, though i cannot find it through windows.
    This part happens because of Windows User Account Control. Everything you save inside the program files directory is really saved somewhere completely different. It is visible in the "correct location" to the program that put it there, but not when browsing with for example windows explorer. So always do as Henrie61 recommends, save it somewhere else, like in your documents folder. (The same goes for your maps, not just your exported images)

    I don't quite understand what you mean by saving from irfanwiew though. When you export an image from CC3, it is already saved as an image to disk, no need to resave it from the viewer that automatically opened, that is only opened so you can have a look at the image. Failure to automatically show it in irfanview is probably directly related to what I said above though, so make sure you save it to a proper location.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Irfanview has some odd save mechanism. Ctrl-S saves in one folder, and S save saves in a different one. If I just start uop Irfanview and open and load say a png, Ctrl-S and S save to the same folder. But I have had Irfanview save to different folders for the same picture/drawing. I'm not sure why.
  • thanks, moving my save location solved it. still unclear which program was solving the glitch, but a working solution will always win in my book.
  • 3 months later
  • Does anyone have any idea where win7 really saves the map files?
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    This is a typical location of the virtual program folder Windows 7 uses:
    C:\Users\YourUserName\AppDate\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3

    Specifics depend on your Windows installation and user name of course.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    And AppData is typically a hidden folder. I save mine into C:\Profantasy\CC3\name of location on map. I have under CC3 separate folders for crestar and traveller. Easier for me to keep track of what I'm working on.
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