Having difficulty creating light sources

Hello all,

I'm a new user to CC3 and I'm trying to figure out how to use light sources in Dungeon Designer 3. There doesn't seem to be a video tutorial for this (at least, not one that I can find). I've followed the instructions on the cchelp web page
provided by ProFantasy but unfortunately, it's not working. I create the light sources first using the light menu, I then use the torch symbol to place torches over the light sources, and then I use the
sheets tool to create point light shadow shadow effects for the walls and the floors and a point light shadow finalize for the walls sheet. (All sheets are placed in order before the grid and map border sheets.
I still get a black screen with the grid points with a yellow bar running vertically down the length of the map. Is there a tutorial of some sort (video or PDF) for how to place light sources in


-- redmage123


  • The lighting annual is super cool (really surprised more people..myself included...haven't used it more). But, it is really tricky to get right. From what I remember:

    1. The point light setup sheet effect must first appear on any sheet that comes after (i.e. below on the list) the sheet that has your light sources on it.

    2. The point light finalize effect must be on its own sheet. No objects should be on this sheet. Place that sheet just before the boundary of your lights (i.e. just above your wall sheet on the sheet listing).

    Let us know if that works...either way, post a pic of your map
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