Campaign Cartographer 3 - Cant delete anything in the map

I have a problem, when I try do delete fx a mountain then I select it (square appears around it) and then when I hit the Erase button, nothing happens. It seems I have ALLOT of problems with buttons not working in the program. Anyone know if I am doing something wrong?

Win 7 x64, Net Framework 1.1 & 4


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited December 2012
    To expand on Old Guy's explanation,
    1. Click Erase.
    2. Select the entity you want to erase.
    3. Right-click the mouse.
    4. Select Do it from the pop-up menu.
    For more information, see page 3 of The Essentials guide that came with CC3.

  • It workes some times, it realy REALY seem like a stupid way to remove content from. Why not just bind it to the "delete" button?
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited December 2012
    As I understand it, the editing methods used by CC3 come from it's CAD software roots. It's probably one of the steeper climbs in the learning curve. But, I can say for me at least, once I got used to it, it made perfect sense and it made things more convenient. That said, if you really don't like it, you can change the way CC3 works with selection and editing commands.
    1. Select Tools>Options from the menu bar.
      In the upper right, you'll see some Selection options.
    2. Check the box for Enable left button pre-selection.
      This will let you choose entities before clicking an editing function, such as Erase.
    3. Click OK.
    There's still a trick here, though.

    To use edit commands with the pre-selection option:
    1. Select the entities you want to edit.
    2. Right-click the mouse.
    3. Select Do it from the pop-up menu.
    4. Click the function you want to apply (e.g. Erase).
    There are other options you might want to explore as well. They may remove the step about the pop-up menu, though I'm not sure if or how they apply when using pre-selection. In the Options dialog box, there's a button called Select method. The help file is actually fairly helpful. You can open option-related help from within the Options dialog box.

    Honestly, though, I really do recommend giving the CC3 method of CLICK FUNCTION-THEN-SELECT-ENTITIES a try first.

    I hope that helps,
  • And make sure something you want to delete isn't frozen, which would be on the layer requestor.

    As mention by the other folks, the command sequence differs in CC3 than that used by paint programs due to the CAD engine it runs on.

    I suggest going to your regstration page at Profantasy and downloading the CC3 manual and do the tutorials in it.
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