Symbols Project Update: Plans And Inquiries

Ok guys - I'm going to be getting back on the symbols project horse shortly - so I thought that I would keep you guys abreast of whats up so far. I have been drawing out a few mountains and trees and such - and also working on things like spider webs, and expanding the creatures and races symbols drawings. I want to expand the dragons a bit, and I also need to throw in some additional stuff like compass designs and a few more map marker styles.

Now this is going to be HUGE, MASSIVE, MONSTEROUS, and AWSOME. This will probably end up being the largest symbols collection ever submitted to the Profantasy community. I want it to be great - so I'm not cutting corners on this.


  • As you can see below - I have been avidly collecting reference images for my drawings so as to expand on the animal icons. While I am doing this - I'm also working on standard stuff like mountains, hills, town markers, whatever...
  • Main isuues with the new symbol sets for me at this point is scaling and varicolor - as I have only the default CC3 symbols to use as a size reference. How big is too big - and how small is too small? What should the trans maps for the color variants look like - and how many layers am I going to have to do? Hmmmm - ponder...
  • I cannot help you with your questions, but I want to say that this is beautfull!
  • Posted By: Mateus090985I cannot help you with your questions, but I want to say that this is beautfull!
    Thank you my friend. It would be great if I had a partner on this to do the nasty scaling and / or varicolor stuff - but the bulk of symbols thus far warrants MULTIPLE catalogues - and it would be pretty time consuming, too much to ask. All in all - things are going ok with this, and it would be great if I could come up with some fill styles for this. The newer style from the latest annual however seems to fit these symbol set concepts rather nicely though - so the "mix and match" thing also applies - as you should be able to use at least some of these symbols with multiple styles quite nicely-I would guess.
  • This is going to be one fantastic collection.
    In advance, thank you for all the hard work.
  • Posted By: Henrie61This is going to be one fantastic collection.
    In advance, thank you for all the hard work.
    Thank you Henrie61, I just hope that you guys don't get tired of waiting for these, lol. I have a life and I'm also very busy with other things - so my time to work on these are very finite. I'm up to 1,152 symbol drawings thus far - and I haven't even hit the good stuff yet, lol.
  • Heya TA! Good to see you around again. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    I wouldn't mind helping you out with scaling and varicolor. I am extremely busy at the moment and it looks like I'll be tied up until the end of January. I should have plenty of free time after that. I was going to start working on another set of symbols myself once my time opened up, but would be just as happy to help your project along.

    Give a shout if my time constraints aren't a problem and you're interested in my help.
  • edited December 2012
    Posted By: ShessarHeya TA! Good to see you around again. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    I wouldn't mind helping you out with scaling and varicolor. I am extremely busy at the moment and it looks like I'll be tied up until the end of January. I should have plenty of free time after that. I was going to start working on another set of symbols myself once my time opened up, but would be just as happy to help your project along.

    Give a shout if my time constraints aren't a problem and you're interested in my help.
    SHOUT!!!! :) I'll whisper my email addy and we'll exchange them - then I'll prep up a project outline PDF and whisk that off to you. We'll work out when I'll start making these transparent, and start getting some zips out to you. Cool? Note: WE WILL SHARE CREDIT!!! Lol ;)
    No rush - I'm still drawing these up - so there's plenty of time.
  • Thanks Shessar!!! AWSOMENESS!!! Lol.
  • 1 month later
  • These look truly Awesome. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. =)
  • KenGKenG Traveler
    These look great, Do you plan on making some top down variants of them also?

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Posted By: KenGThese look great, Do you plan on making some top down variants of them also?

    Lets not drive TA to madness... :-)

    But that sounds like a good idea.
  • Posted By: KenGThese look great, Do you plan on making some top down variants of them also?

    No top down for these because these are gonna be overland / topical, but a few of the number, letter, and pointer sets should work well with dungeons.
  • 9 months later
  • edited October 2013
    Wow! This is only a taste of what you've got so far?
    My heart leapt when I saw dinosaurs up there. Such good quality!
    And while this comment might be a tad bit late in the general scheme of things, I felt it necessary to voice my high praise of this ambitious project. :)

    Good luck TA! :D

    If you like, seeing as how you've been gathering reference material, I could provide more Cretaceous and Pleistocene reference images, both wildlife and foliage. Been collecting plenty myself for my own projects. Anything I can do to assist! :)
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