Is There Anyone I Can Talk To?

I am so confused by this program!!!

My symbols keep disappearing on me and I don't know how to get them back!!!

The only phone number is in England and its 8 hours ahead and a very expensive phone call!

Who do I talk to about fixing this program so I can use it?

Thanks, anyone who can help.


  • Hi Blackrook,

    I think the forum is a good place to start, I've found that there are a lot of helpful people here - among them the software creators.

    Can you describe the disappearance of the symbols a bit? When do they get lost, directly after you place them in your map or at a later time? My first thought was that maybe the sheet or layer that the symbols are placed on is set on "hidden" so the symbols are hidden as well...

  • I also think that this is a problem of sheet order. Give us more information and maybe a screen shoot.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Each items is on a sheet. Symbol sheet is where the symbols go. So if you have a land mass and the symbols sheet is above it, the symbols will go behind the land and you wont see them.

    what they should be:

    what they probably are:

    Open the sheet dialog by click on the the S: at the top of the CC3 program.

    You will see a list of sheets.

    Click on Land, and click on them ove up button until it is in the correct place.


    If they are in the correct place, you probably put your land on a sheet other than the land sheet.

    Open the sheet dialogue.

    Select one sheet by clicking on it. Click on hide all ,which will hide the other sheets.

    If you see your land, then there are two options.

    Move the land to the land sheet by looking at the left side of CC3. One column to the right of the pencil showing the pencil eraser is an icon to change properties.

    Right click on the icon, and select move to sheet, select the land by clicking on the edge of the landmass. Then right click and select Do It from the menu. Then select the Land sheet. Click okay.

    Unhide all sheets.

    You should now see your symbols.

    Another way is to simply move the sheet up in sheet order so it is above the sheet for symbols. I suggest the first method over thiso ne.

    Does that help ?
  • 2 months later
  • SorpawSorpaw Newcomer
    I am trying to add a background and maintain a white tunnel color, but I cannot use multipoly because of "leaking multipoly" problems. I cannot reliably detect and fix all of the multipoly leaks. Any suggestions?
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