November Annual 2012 missfire??

Hi All!

I have a couple of problems with the new annual!

1. When starting a new map i get the old sea color and i can´t choose the blue one.

2. When trying to use the new bitmap terrain option they are only a solid color block, no bitmap whatsoever.

3. I can´t find the new symbols other than pics in the file tree, they don´t show up in the interface at all.

4. If i pick the new template i get the blue sea but no other bitmap at all just solid color blocks and it defaults to cc3 when i pick the terrain button

I´ve tried reinstalling of both annuals (april and november). So if anyone wiser than me could point me in the direction of a solution i would be most grateful!

Other than that, a great product and hours of fun :).


Sincerely Jonas


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