Export lakes from FT3 to CC3

Hey folks,

I created a map with FT3 that had some in-land lakes, but when I was exporting them to CC3 they were coloured like the ground. After searching around here and in the documentation for a while I couldn't find a solution, so I started messing around with options. It turns out that the "Multipoly Each Contour Level" setting on the Detail Level page when you create or edit an export setting is what controls this. Turning this option on will give you your lakes in the middle of your continents.

Hopefully if someone else runs into this problem, they will find this post - and the solution!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    This is happening because normal polygons can't have holes in them, so when FT3 generates a contour for any given height, there can't be any lower areas in the middle. This isn't just an issues with lakes, but also with inland valleys that are completely surrounded by higher areas.
    Using the multipoly option allows polygons to be combined to form such holes, thereby getting a more correct result from the FT export.

    The reason for this being an option, and not something that is always on, is that multipolies comes with their own issues when you need to edit stuff afterwards in CC3. Normal polygons are much more edit-friendly, so generally, you'll want to avoid multipolies unless you need them.
  • 9 months later
  • I am having the same problem. I tried exporting with multipoly turned on, but the lakes do not get exported. I am hoping to figure out a way to export them so I don't have to hand create them. Any ideas?

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