Questions about CC3

I just purchased CC3 and I have some questions. All of my questions are about CC3 specifically.

By the way, I did watch the entire introductory tutorial on youtube by Joseph Sweeny for CC3, it doesn't seem to answer some very basic questions though. Or maybe it did and it just went right over my head, in any case, here are my questions.

1. I'm not happy at all with any of the fonts that came with CC3, they all look the same to me. None of those fonts have a fantasy vibe, in my opinion---they all look too modern. I'm sure there must be a way to import other types of fonts into the program to use for text labels and titles on maps. Could anyone explain step by step how to import new fonts into CC3 to use on maps? Some links to downloadable font files I can use in CC3 or information on how to acquire other fonts for CC3 would also be very helpful and greatly appreciated.

2. When I make a new map, why do I have all this unused white empty space in the window with the map itself only taking up the center of it? Is there any way to make the map take up the entire window and remove all that unnecessary white space surrounding it?

3. If I'm not happy with the color of the existing ocean or land on my map, how do I change it? I've already tried, unsuccessfully, to do this with the "change properties" tool. I've tried changing the currently selected sheet and layer to "SEA" and all that. Nothing seems to work.

4. If I'm not happy with the various things that get added to the map automatically when you create a new one, such as the compass rose, the map title, copyright notice etc. how do you change these things after the map is created? I've tried highlighting them with the change properties tool and this doesn't seem to work. Also, is it possible to move these things to different areas of the map after the map is created?

5. I'm having trouble deciding how big of a map I need for different things. I've also noticed how far you can zoom in on the maps which only adds to my confusion. If I want to create a highly detailed map of a continent, say, about the size of North America more or less... what's a good size map for realistically mapping out something like that? Also, if I wanted to create the map of a world, say, about the size of Earth, what would be a good size for that?

6. Are there any other good tutorial videos out there for CC3 besides the introductory videos made by Joseph Sweeny some years ago?

7. I can't say I'm impressed with 2 out of the 3 symbol sets/styles/catalogs---whatever they're called---that came with CC3. The more realistic symbol set is the only one I like. So, I'm just wondering if the "Fantasy Overland: Symbol Set 1" product/upgrade is worth purchasing? Is there any way to see what symbols are in it before purchasing it? Or at least get a good idea of the art style used for the symbols? I have no interest in making cartoony looking maps so I would like to find some more realistic or old-world looking symbol sets. Perhaps the kind of art style you see used with D&D or middle earth world maps and such.

8. Why do my symbol catalogs/sets keep reverting to CC2 catalogs and then refuse to show CC3 symbol sets/catalogs? Is this some sort of bug? I actually just experienced some sort of bug that caused tool sets and icons around the map window to start disappearing every time I changed from one type of symbols to another. Is there some sort of patch or fix for this I need to download?

9. How do I change the border style/color around my map? I'm assuming there are more options for this?

10. Would contacting Profantasy directly about these sorts of questions be a waste of time? Do they actually try to answer questions e-mailed to them or do they just send back worthless copy paste responses?

I would really appreciate any help or advice that can be offered, thank you! I'm sure I will have more questions as I continue to learn how to use CC3.


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited October 2012
    Hi there, welcome to the forum.

    1. CC3 does not come with any true type fonts, it uses all the fonts installed on your system. Just look for free fantasy fonts on the web (of which there are many) and download them to use them in CC3.
    2. You can freely zoom to any part of the map using the zoom functions on the top right. Just zoom in once for example to have the map cover the whole drawing window.
    3. The default ocean uses a bitmap fill style (as most terrain features do). You either to change the bitmap fill used - if you set it to "Solid" it will show it's color which you can change.
    4. Just delete them and load the "Cartouches" folder to put new versions of the compass rose and scale bar into the map.
    5. Create the maps at the same size as the real-woprld size of the area you want to map (in miles).
    6. Take a look at the support resources sticky here.
    7. You'll find previews of the SS1 symbol styles here.
    8. Try changing your drawing style by clicking the Symbol Style Toggle button on the left toolbar. It switches between the different available drawing styles. If doesn't seem to work correctly, try downloading and installing CC3 Update 10 from the registration page.
    9. You can use the normal editing drawing tools on these (changing color, bitmal fills, etc.) if you unfreeze the layer MAP BORDER.
    10. You can also always contact us directly from the tech support forum. It 90% cases it will be me replying, in the same way as here on the forum. I try to be as helpful as possible.
    Hope that helps,
  • pdjpdj Traveler
    CC3 comes with a pretty good manual that includes tutorial exercises and example maps to work on.

    Some of the stuff in there takes a while to get your head around (well it did me!) but there's a lot
    to learn, and you'll likely find yourself referring to it many, many times.

    It's well worth the effort.

    Happy mapping :)

  • Simon RogersSimon Rogers Administrator, ProFantasy Traveler
    1. To make a new font available to your map, select the Text Properties on the right, select More Fonts... and pick any font on your system
    2. Zoom Extents shows the mximum extents of the map. The idea is to create a canvas which is the right size for your map, with a border. If you find you are bumping against the edge of the map or want to work on a smaller canvas you can.
    3. Here is one way change the background. Click the Layers indicator on the top bar (a yellow rectangle which looks like this L: LAYERNAME) do Hide All then click on the H next to BACKGROUND. Click the Edit Properties button (on the left in the bottom collection) click on the edge of the background and select a new fill style and/or colour.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    For 5. I would use a template, they come with the software, that would be slightly larger than North America. Just look in herre for my Crestar posts, some have a hempishere flattened out to make a rectangle. 25000 miles by about 1250 miles.
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