My first 'John Speed' map.

This has proven pretty educational. It took some doing, but I think it mostly turned out the way I wanted. Not bad for my first serious effort in CC3, I think.

You can see it here.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Very nice map. Looking good.

    It is a good time for John Speed maps now, as they fit so nicely with the latest annual.
  • I agree, this is a wonderful map done in a style that i like very much. Good work.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Excellent work! I only believe you have the line width for where the walls meet the towers a little thick. I'd suggest using "Change Properties" on these to set the line width toa botu half the current value.
  • Posted By: RalfExcellent work! I only believe you have the line width for where the walls meet the towers a little thick. I'd suggest using "Change Properties" on these to set the line width toa botu half the current value.
    Yeah, I noticed that after the fact. I'm not sure what happened there, as I thought the width was quite small when I did small in fact that I had to increase it. I'm wondering if that's a result of the effects on whatever sheet the sketch tools were applied. I'll have to fix those, 'cuz it's driving me nuts.
  • Nice - very well done!
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Posted By: WizarDru

    Yeah, I noticed that after the fact. I'm not sure what happened there, as I thought the width was quite small when I did small in fact that I had to increase it. I'm wondering if that's a result of the effects on whatever sheet the sketch tools were applied. I'll have to fix those, 'cuz it's driving me nuts.
    Could well be, if the sheet they are on has a strong black glow for example. But to say exactly, I'd have to see the CC3 file.
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