Hi All
Just thought id share my latest map. The village of Yellowmire. Located in 'The Bayou' the village is the focal (start point) for a new Pathfinder, in fact the first Pathfinder game ive DM'd.
As always comments are appreciated.
Just thought id share my latest map. The village of Yellowmire. Located in 'The Bayou' the village is the focal (start point) for a new Pathfinder, in fact the first Pathfinder game ive DM'd.
As always comments are appreciated.
Interesting water texture although it does seem to dominate the picture. is that a way to tone it down a tad (maybe use a transparency effect?)
The landmass is intricate, that must have taken a while.
I see you have a north gate but it doesn't seem to access much. perhaps you need another bridge crossing over the northern river, otherwise it doesn't look as though there is any other way to get into the town from land, unless that's the point of course since it is in a mire after all!
I must admit the more i look at the water the more i agree with you. I will play around with the sheet effects and see how it turns out.
The landmass wasnt too bad. I actually started with that and then just kept adding more and more water till i got the shapes i liked.
The north gate only opens out to the water way to the north. The village is completely locked into the swamp land with no land routes out of there. This was something the players wanted although im really not sure they have thought this idea through :-)
Love this style.
Dogtag i used one of the 'annuals' to make the map border. It was simply a case of selecting one of the styles within it and applying it.