Iron Dragon Station - A Deadlands Railway Station
In preparation for my upcoming Deadlands Reloaded campaign I've created this map for an imaginary 1879 railway station in Chicago, loosely based on the first Union Station (Union Depot) opened in 1881.
Click on the map for a larger version.
The style is used is the 1930's Travel Guide style from the 2011 Annual, with a few small modifications. The plan is to produce a battle mat of the entrance hall next.a href=
Click on the map for a larger version.
The style is used is the 1930's Travel Guide style from the 2011 Annual, with a few small modifications. The plan is to produce a battle mat of the entrance hall next.a href=
The "page stain" effect is part the bitmap fill included in the style. Originally I scanned an empty page of an old Baedeker guide and converted it into a seamlessly tiling bitmap.
It's done with DD3 and SS3 assets, so you'll need those to view the attached FCW file.
And here are two pdf versions:
A1 @ 300dpi
A4, 9 tiled pages