Setting up the map: Multiple levels

I do not see any description of this in any of the the documentation. In the new Drawing wizzard wen it asks you if you want multiple levels, what is the advantage/disadvantage? Can this be done later? How is this used?

Clicking the help button does nothing.


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited August 2012
    Hm. I thought you were talking about the multiple-levels for buildings in CD3 but a quick check showed CC3 does the same for overland. Good question!

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    The multiple levels are designed for use with anything that have more than one floor, like buildings, spaceships, dungeons and so on. The main advantage with this is that it automatically creates navigation links in each of the maps you can click to take you to the other levels.
    It is easy to do this yourself later though, all you have to do is to use the Link with Map button to set up a hyperlink to another map.
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