Angali - City using Vector Style
My poor old laptop, with only 1 gig of RAM and only basic graphics rendering, has a tough time with CD3 so I decided to use the CC2 Pro Style vector symbols for this map. I did use effects including Texturize for the background so it's not just vector graphics. As always, input and suggestions are welcomed.
I'd try to add the Texturize to the escarpements and the boulders...
Your city seems to have reached it's maximum size as the room for expansion looks sparse. What will the citizen do ? Expand left or colonize the slopes ? You could perhaps hint at the latter by starting a road/path going up and cutting the mountain.
Again great design, and your map exalts an atmosphere of mystery and adventure. What are the colorful symbols bottom right ? Tents ? Trees ? They cry for a map key!
Obviously, I had not considered how/where the city might expand over time. In this case, I probably won't since it is a city designed around a geopolitical adventure, rather than the adventure being designed around the city. It is the machinations, negotiations, and backstabbing that goes on inside the buildings that will drive the plot. However, this is something I'll keep in mind in future maps. Great advice!
The colorful symbols? Tents. A spice market. Or so it seems. I have the key in my DM notes. The players will scribble on the map printout and create their own key as the game progresses.
You realise of course that I WILL have to steal your layout
The symbol catalog is CC3/Symbols/Maps/Other/Escarpment.FSC
The actual symbol used from that catalog is "esc line endpoint"
The settings may seem a bit confusing at first, but if you read the help file and play around a bit, it will make sense.
My settings were: