scaling problems with large map

I'm trying to make a map of an entire world with room for several large continents, so I set it up to be 12,000 in height and 18,000 in width (assuming the numbers correspond to miles). I am working on just one continent at the moment, so I am zooming way in (my grids are set at each grid being 100 miles). But when I draw the outline of my continent at this scale, even zoomed in, I end up with really fat lines for everythng from rivers to roads to borders and even the coast. Is there any way to shrink the size of your lines and contours when you're zoomed in and working on a small part of a very large map?

To put my question another way, how can I draw in a river that's not 20 or more miles wide as per my map scaling. I can't figure out how to make the lines the program uses to draw roads, rivers etc. thinner.


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    What you're looking for is the "Line width" property of those entities. You can adjust that by either the "Change Line Width" command (right-click Change Properties button to access) or through Change Properties.
  • edited June 2012
    Okay, I feel like an idiot.

    When I right click on the rivers menu, I get a set of river options (default, large, small, very small etc.), but even the very small option is not to scale for my map (unless the river in question is many miles across). I don't see a change properties button. There is an advanced settings button at the bottom, but I don't see a line width option there.

    There's a set properties (can't find a change properties) category under the tools menu at the top of the page, but the only thing under "Set line width" is a box with 0.000 in it and a message saying that if I enter a value greater than 0, it will fill the line in (or something like that). Does entering a negative number make the line thinner?

    I'm really confused on what I need to do to make my rivers thinner so they look to scale for my map. Right now, even the "very small river" is drawing as a fat black line (I'm making my map in B + W)

    I also don't know how to remove something once it's placed, except by using the undo option (and that only works until I do something else) or else by going back to my most recent saved version.

    Also--completely unrelated qiestion, but one that has stopped me in my tracks. How do I get back to my map view once I've got the symol set menu opened in front of me and blocking the view of my map. Nothing I click on my interface seems to allow me to close this.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited June 2012
    The change properties button is on the left, just right of the wooden pencil.

    Once you draw the rivers, change line width to something smaller until you find one you like.

    Save as to a series of filenames will be a good idea to. save as filename01_005, filename01_006, etc.

    You can use the pencil eraser icon to select something to delete.

    It is always a good idea to make sure each type of item is on the correct layer. Rivers on the water/river layer, buildings on strutures layer, etc.

    Go to the layer dialoge and freeze all layers except the one you want to delte/erase something from.

    having items on the correct layer makes making changes much much easier.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited June 2012
    To see your map back from the smybols only view, hover mouse pointer of the symbols and right click.
  • Thanks--finally figured out how to shrink the rivers, and they look a lot better now.

    I'm trying to figure out which one is the layer dialog button. How do you make sure things are on the correct layer. I did the tutorials at the beginning, but I don't remember learning how to do that.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Top row of CC3. S: is sheets, P: is pen width, W: is line wodth, L: is layers.

    Just click on the L: and the layer dialog wil open.
  • edited June 2012
    Thanks. I've always considered myself to be a pretty darned smart person who can figure almost anything out on my own, but this program is defeating me. I have never had something I bought because it looked like it would be fun make me feel stupider :(

    Even after doing the basic tutorials, I'm pretty lost.

    'm going through the tutorials in the tome of absolute mapping and I'm finding it really hard, because the thing keeps referring me to other tutorials that are in different parts of the thing (and since it's a pdf file, you don't see the page numbers at the top when you scroll through it). It makes a lot of assumptions that I know how to do stuff or I know what various numbers mean. I'd love to see more pictures of the interface with arrows pointing to the various menu items rather than just instructions that say "go to the such and such menu."

    For instance, when going through the city builder tutorial, I never did figure out how to get the deault cathedral they suggested you use to change color to gray. The tutorial simply says that it chose to make it gray so it would look more like stone--not how they did this. Argh. I'd really like to make some maps of continents and cities for this novel I'm writing, but so far, it's defeating me.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Sounds like you are doing the tutorials that presume you did the 'new to CC3' ones first.

    If you have the CC3 manual, it is on the Downloads part of your registration page, start at page 6 and go on to page 24. The rest of the manual is good to.

    Then go through the Tome.
  • edited June 2012
    I did the new to CC3 tutorials a long time ago and have actually made a few maps. But there are still some things I'm having issues with.

    I am on p 28 of the tome's CC3 tutorial--this is the part where it teaches you to make your text more visible by outlining it. So I've gone through all the steps up to step 5, and it seemed to work the way it was supposed to. But now on step 5, it's not.

    -click change properties button: did that
    -type p and then d: did that.
    -some kind of set properties dialog box is supposed to pop up at this point, but it is not. The dialog window now reads entity to edit pd
    The tutorial doesn't say to hit enter at this point, but I am assuming I need to for something else to happen. When I hit enter, the loalog window now says [commanPEDIT], but the tutorial doesn't tell me what I need to hit to get this change properties dialog box to pop up.

    So I'm stuck. I've tried clicking the change properties box again, but that doesn't do anything. Tried going back to the layers button, but not sure what to do there.

    I'm having a similar problem with the part of the tutorial that starts on page 33 where I am supposed to learn how to select things by color for editing. I'm in the little tutorial file and following the instructions, which say to go to the info menu to select list, then to click on the magenta nox with the word color written under it, then to right click and select "Do it." I gather a blue dialog box is supposed to open at this point, but it is not.


    So I can't even get through the tutorial.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited June 2012
    Posted By: RoxxsmomThe tutorial simply says that it chose to make it gray so it would look more like stone--not how they did this.
    It is a varicolor symbol. You change the color by changing the current color (click the color indicator on the status bar) before placing it.

    Posted By: Roxxsmom-click change properties button: did that
    -type p and then d: did that.
    -some kind of set properties dialog box is supposed to pop up at this point, but it is not. The dialog window now reads entity to edit pd
    The tutorial doesn't say to hit enter at this point, but I am assuming I need to for something else to happen. When I hit enter, the loalog window now says [commanPEDIT], but the tutorial doesn't tell me what I need to hit to get this change properties dialog box to pop up.
    From your description, it looks like you have clicked the Edit Properties button, and not the change properties button. Because Edit Properties is designed to edit a single entities, it doesn't use the normal selection commands like Prior and Do It.

    Posted By: Roxxsmomthen to click on the magenta nox with the word color written under it
    Remember to click on the edge of the box, like always when selecting stuff in CC3. After clicking on the edge, the command line should say that three entities have been selected before you click Do It. If it still say 0 entities, then nothing have been selected, and the blue list dialog will not show (It only shows if something is selected). If clicking on the edge doesn't select anything, make sure no layers a re frozen (by clicking on the layer indicator), and also check your selection method (Tools -> Options -> Select Method -> Make sure it is set to dialog or popup)
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