is the July '07 annual worth it?

currently, i find it a chore to map cavern type encounter maps with cc3. i use Dundjinni for these. my question is this, is the July '07 issue of the Annual #1 worth the purchase? does anyone have any examples of this style in use?


  • I am actually making a map with it right now. It does make a gorgeous cave map. There is a bit of a learning curve as you have to plan things out a bit more given how the Annual works. Backtracking can be difficult. That said, I am liking it so far. My map is one in progress but I would be happy to post it for you when I am done. Granted, it is the first time that I have used it.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    The bitmap part of the July 2007 issue is an extension of the DD3 Dungeon style - with template that have an extra emphasis on cave layouts, new drawing tools, etc. It makes creating cave layouts easier and makes for more beautiful maps. The modern map type is its own style, that provides a more schematic view.
  • this sounds awesome. ralf, do you happen to have an example of this style in action? would love to see it....
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Unfortunately nothing beyond the examples included in the Annual issue itself. Here are the png versions:
  • these are great. thanks for the input....i picked it up(the annual) and will give it a spin. it really is amazing to see how well supported this software really is. to get continual content in the form of the annuals is something not seen very much. most companies are interested in getting the product out the door and on to the next thing. it is really appreciated.
  • I think the annuals are also a testament to how advanced CC3 really is. It's advanced enough that it will support all these different styles effortlessly. And it's advanced enough that it makes sense for PF to focus on style packs rather than core functionality.

    When I started using CC2, this forum spent most of its time trouble-shooting problems using the software and responding to regular "it's too hard to use" comments. The investment, over many years, that Simon & Co. have made in CC3 mean that these comments only come up occasionally now.

  • 5 months later
  • edited November 2012

    I was wondering if it was possible to pick and choose months from different annuals instead of buying the whole annual? I'm asking because I'm almost only interested in Dungeon floorplans related content, which is usually 1 or 2 months out of the whole annual. I don't really want to buy every annual, but a few months a year would be great. Is this an option?

    Thank you,
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Nope, all 12 months; however, there are some sample months available.
  • Mayhaps ProFantasy should consider making some theme packs? E.g. 6 packs from different annuals with a common theme (in this case dungeons).
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