a very preliminary June annual iso dungeon

no effects, maybe later. Three levels. A nice trap next to a treasure chest, and a drop below. In my campaign, I have stairways, and ramps, leading downward or upward. sometimes they don't go anywhere and are traps.
links updated/corrected after site move: May 28, 2016.
Or a set of steps that goes downward, and a carved squared off chasm is beside the steps. And a room of bad guys is on the other side of the chasm. They have bows.
Here is the map
Hmmm. There is supposed to be a sideview drawing, I'll look for it.
Found it:
side view sketch
The two ballistas can fire at the down ramp and the wall trigger that sets off the monster burn oil.
It will take some work to show this with the June Annual issue.
I bought CC3+ and Perspective 3.
I need also DD3 to create a map like this?
Thank in advance!
Where I can see a preview of symbols?
In the little image "Lich's Thromeroom" the symbols are very similar to the map above, is not?
Thanks and excuse me for this newbie-questions!
There are no direct preview of symbols, but you can see example maps in the Annual 2016 gallery
I will buy it
I mean, can I buy only the March 2016 issue? http://www.profantasy.com/annual/2016/march16.html
Annual issue 95.