Want To Map Subway and Subway Stations

Hello Hive Mind,
I want to map a subway and tunels / station. I have all ProFantasy products except Annual 2008 and the Moden symbols (I am waiting the new version). So as have only made world and continent maps, I want suggestions for what is best to use. For the subway and probably the station I am thinking in try Cosmographer 3. For the subway tunnels the DD 3. Does someone have better sugestions?
I want to map a subway and tunels / station. I have all ProFantasy products except Annual 2008 and the Moden symbols (I am waiting the new version). So as have only made world and continent maps, I want suggestions for what is best to use. For the subway and probably the station I am thinking in try Cosmographer 3. For the subway tunnels the DD 3. Does someone have better sugestions?
Was looking to create something that looks like a subway map just now so I will check out this annual as well
In the last 12 years there may have been other styles you might want to consider. While it is a shade out of date, there is a wall of annual links here: Annual links
If you wanted to add some rails and railcars, Remy did a livestream video on drawing rails and railway rolling-stock here, which may be of use.
Work in progress...need to change that background when done this is going to be an Underdark map