Faerie Symbols

Does anyone know where I can find symbols of faries that I can integrat in a CC3 catalog? I want them for shields so I look for things like faries in diferent positions, flowers, stars, diferent moons, unicorns and the like

I only have two images for faes thus far - but I have a nice sexy Nymph though that might suffice if your willing to compromise for additional fae types - but you have to ask for the nymph because I'm not really sure what your looking for. These are IMAGES - not symbols - so your going to have to convert them to symbols yourself. They're gonna be symbols eventually - but they are still in production. The one on the bottom I was thinking about nixing (pardon the educated pun) because I don't like it - I drew it when I had been out of practice for quite a while and it looks a little too "rough" to me - but then again - I can always draw more. Might wip a few more up tommorrow - who knows, lol.
Wow - come to think of it - I'm short on both fairies AND unicorns, lol.
I loved the last one! They are in the spirit of what I am looking for. I am also looking for "darker" symbols to use for my Unseelie Court.
HOWEVER - when I get up later - I am going to start drawing some stuff out that is along the same general lines as these images, and when I'm finished - I'll post them on this, or another thread.
Now due to existing international copyright law I can't draw you these EXACT images - but I can crank out some very nice original ones. Your going to get the full resolution first run images - but I am also including the ones that I am making for you in my production folder - and they are going into the symbols catalogue(s) that I'm making. Cool?
Also - these images are in pencil and have complex shading that will not translate well as a symbol - so the images will be in pen and ink - fineline - with basic tonal shading just like the other images that I've done - but they will still look cool.
Thank you for all your effort.
Footnote - "Terraformer_Author" is just my Avatar handle - it's primary function is to indicate who I am by project association, and to indicate when I'm on here. Just call me Bill - everybody on here knows Billybob Roach, just don't make fun of my last name - I caught heck for it back in grade school, lol.
#1, Detail must be kept at a moderate to low level because this is a map symbol - and it has to maintain consistant detail at multiple scales.
#2, Colors have to be kept relatively blocked and tonal as opposed to complex texturing - to allow for recognizability, and to prevent the symbol from looking gunked up at extremely small scales.