Glitchy? Or am I just bad?

Hello everyone,

I'm -really- new to this, so I am assuming that I am just bad still, but I am having a ton of problems with CC3.

1. The first, and biggest, issue I'm having is... I can't find a "select" tool!
2. Erasing things doesn't work! I am following a tutorial and I misplaced a tree, so I delete it and it goes away. Then I switch tools and it pops right back!
3. I can't rotate things.

Thanks for any and all help!


  • 1) the select tool is integrated into the tools themselves - for example if you wish to erase several things you click the erase button & either individually choose or click & drag over an area. Plus your right click after the end allows you to either execute the command or select parameters such as adding or excluding things (AND, OR, NOT under the COMBINE option). That gives you a more versatility than a separate select tool such as you find in Photoshop for example.

    2) You most likely didn't execute the command entirely. When you have selected your objects - right click your mouse & either execute the command by clicking DO IT in the option pop-up box (Commands are Do It, Cancel, or Combine [see above])

    3) There is a rotate button usually two buttons below the erase button (which looks like a pencil with an eraser)

    These things come out of the original CAD-CAM processes that are sort of like the original HP calculators that used Reverse Polish Notation as opposed to the more familiar Algebraic Notation. It's faster & more logical (in a mathematical/engineering sense) but not the familiar ground for most folk. Hope that helps.

  • Oh hahahaha I knew I was doing something wrong, thanks! Is there a repository for textures and stuff that you know about? The tutorial I'm reading is asking me to load things I don't have. They may just be old, though.
  • edited May 2012
    Howdy Paradigm,
    Welcome to the forum. Sven is spot on with 1 & 2. I'd like to add a little something to his answer for #3; when you are placing an object on your map, if you look at the lower left corner(next to the command line) of CC3 you'll see instructions like CTRL - SCALE, SHIFT - ROTATE 15*, CTRL + SHIFT - ROTATE, etc. These instructions are really helpful when starting out using CC3. For a really great tutorial please go to: These are linked from Youtube and are really fantastic, they'll answer all your "beginners questions".

    Keep Calm
    Map On
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    If you haven't done so already, I would suggest you read through the CC3 manual. It takes you through all of this CAD stuff that can be confusing to new users. Make sure to download the updated manual from your registration page.
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