Dargurd Vale
Hi All
Just been working on a setting map for the start of a new D&D campaign i have kicking off in two weeks. As always any suggestions or advice will be much appreciated.
Just been working on a setting map for the start of a new D&D campaign i have kicking off in two weeks. As always any suggestions or advice will be much appreciated.
And starting small and expanding out from there is a good way to go for a campaign.
In the drawing below, the top most river begins in the mountains and flows to the west; it looks good, but a little random. The bottom river hides its begining behind a mountain, then snakes behind a few more before emerging on the plains.
As always, I am not saying this style is any better than any other, but (to me), it's a little more "artsy" and adds to the feel of the map.
For what it's worth, if I have any feedback to provide it's that you might consider making the hex grid more of a gray color, or using a sheet effect to fade it a touch and "pull it back" a bit. The hexes seem a little harsh and pull my eyes away from the awesomeness that is your map.
Great job!
I used the CC3 standard map colours and symbols so create the map so anyone with CC3 can create the same type of image with no real issues (hopefully).
I wanted to create somewhere that felt open and wild. I've purposely left the map empty of labels, for now, as i want the players to add other places as part of their character backgrounds. Ideas that don't fit this particular region will be locked away and added to a future map as the characters move away from the region.
Now I just have to decide on the rules system although i'm thinking 4ed is the way to go on this one. I've spent the last few days detailing ideas about the villages etc and I will map a few of the places over the next few days.