DD3 delete item


i have a problem to to delete a door in DD3. I´ve made a room and placed a door . If delete the Door the whole room will be deleted also ?

Has anbody a Idea what i handle false ?




  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    The issue here is that the door is at the edge of the room, so when you select the door for deletion, the rest of the room will be selected as well. If you look at the command line, you'll notice that it tells you that multiple items have been selected.

    There are a few ways to go about this.

    * Zoom in real close, and select the door by clicking on the edge of the door. This should allow you to select the door only.
    * Use the And (Both) modifier and specify a property that is unique to the door, such as it's layer. I don't remember which layer doors are on right now, but you can always use the LIST command to figure this out. You can even select the door by the entity ID found from the list command.
    * After selecting the door, hold down the control key, and click on the edge of the room somewhere else. This will deselect the entities you clicked on.

    Once the command line tells you that only one item have been selected, you can go ahead and execute the command (Do It)
  • edited April 2012
    Thanks a lot, workng fine
  • What I do is hide the others sheets so I only click on what I want.
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