
Is there a way to print out (physical copy) of all the images I have in the various catalogs. I spent 20 minutes this morning looking for a horse (and still did not find it). I know how to open up different catalogs, but if I don't know which catalog to open, it does not help that much.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Yes, but it does take some work on your part.

    If you open up a symbol catalog (as a map, not in the symbol catalog window), you can go to symbols --> create catalog thumbnail file. This will create a map file with all the symbols from that catalog organized into nice rows and columns. You can then print this file. The work here is obviously that you need to do this manually for each symbol catalog, there is no way of just telling CC3 to do it with all catalogs automatically.
  • I don't know if I am doing something wrong here, I am going to list step by step what I am doing to see where I am going wrong:

    1: File-New-(no to save changes)-Symbol Catalogs-'Pick a pre-defined template'.
    2: Select 'Blank Dungeon Catalog.FTC (Note screen is green)
    3: Symbols-'create catalog thumbnail file'-(under output filename I choose 'desktop/Catalog 1.FCW')
    Matrix elements: Width = 30.0000, Height=30.0000, Text Height=3.0000, Number of Colums=8
    Scale symbols indendenly is checked; Background color= 0, text color =17

    When I click 'create' nothing happens.

    Am I doing something wrong here?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer

    You must open an existing symbol catalog (Through File --> Open [Remember to change file type filter]). The steps you describe in 1 & 2 creates a new blank symbol catalog.

    As for the output filename in 3, I hope you were just trying to say that you tried to store the new file on the desktop, and not that you typed that exact string into the box (If you did, that is not going to work, make sure you use a proper full directory path instead [Like c:\somefolder\catalog.fcw {Where 'somefolder' must already exist}])
  • Ok, wow 831 total catalog files (over 30,000 images).

    Monsen, I applaude your dedication if you did this.

    VERY long shot question; has anyone done this?
  • Ok, I did find a way, kinda round about but it does work for what I need. I open up a folder with all the symbols, I can then search for a file name and find what 'folder' it is in. This gives me a good idea what catalog to look in.

    Thanks for all the help
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