Doors and windows disappearing among a few other things

Hello. I have tried to plumb the depths of the forums with the search, but it seems to be taking all my strings literally without searching individual words, so I'm posting this here. If these questions have already been answered, a pointer would be awesome. Thanks.

I just bought a bunch of ProFantasy software. I have been pretty happy with Fractal Terrains and I am slowly learning to create overland maps. These are great. My problem comes in when I try to create dungeons and floor plans. I am totally lost on a lot of this.

My small issue: First, I tried applying a "grass" layer for outside my building. I tried a shape filled with a color and a giant "room" with the grass pattern. The room didn't work because the drawing got confused with which background to use when I put rooms inside that one. So I stuck with the shape filled with the solid color. I'll try to figure out how to apply a pattern later.

My big issue: When I put a door or window on a wall, it disappears! I tried to no avail to move layers around and I couldn't find a way to do that. I stopped trying because I figured the program probably wouldn't put the wall object layer BELOW the wall/room layer anyways. So I started over, made a room with DD, and then added a few modern windows and doors to it. Windows and doors disappear except for the door-knobs which stick out.

I, then, attempted to find a way to maybe trim the walls. I ended up erasing the wall from the room. That worked in that now I guess I'll just draw walls around it again. I tried exploding the room, but the walls stayed and the floor disappeared. That was almost a good solution, because that way I can just delete the one wall. If only the floor wouldn't disappear.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Are there any extensive tutorials for creating a dungeon or floorplan out there?



  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    It depends on what sheet you put them on.

    So if you put the wals on symbols sheet, the doors shoudl be on symbols front sheet.

    While symbols front is lower in the list of sheets, it will show up on top of the sheets in the list above it.

    So it is possible to have a door or lawn below the rest of it.

    Also, when working on one thing, freeze the other layers. it is in the layer dialog upper most row in CC3. Look for L:
  • I have an idea here. Could it be possible that you're using the non-cutting wall symbols? I have done that before myself and the effect is the same as what you describe. If you right click on the wall features button a popup menu appears showing the available catalogs. If you click on DD3 Color Wall Feature, Cutting I bet it will fix the problem. Or at least I hope it will :)
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