First Vintyri Raster Cartographic Set for CC3 Released

As I mentioned in a posting a week or two ago, we're in the process of making a true CC3 version of our free Vintyri Cartographic Collection. This is a set of 1,033 raster symbols and 112 raster fill styles. The great majority of the symbols are structures, most of them closely modeled on true historical prototypes. If you want to know more, I'd suggest that you download our free PDF Vintyri Cartographic Collection Guide at: (64 MB)

It will tell you everything you might want to know.

We have received complaints from a few CC3 users over the past two years because we released versions of this collection for Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 and Dundjinni (TM) but not for CC3. Contrary to some expressed opinions, we have nothing against CC3 users at all.

Our symbol sets were relatively easy to make for FM8 and Dundjinni. Making real, honest-to-god CC3 raster symbols is much more work, particularly if one wants the symbols to be able to use CC3's dynamic shadowing and if one wants the symbols to work with CD3. We've had thoughts all along about releasing a CC3 edition, but we've had to postpone it until the time and resources were available.

We're getting to that point now. Of the six sets in the Vintyri Cartographic Collection, we've now released the first, the Fills & Textures collection. This is a collection of 112 Vintyri fill styles in true CC3 format with all four resolutions, templates, CC3 reference files and a 24-page illustrated PDF that tells you how to install and use them. For download information, go to:

Like all of our products, this is free open gaming material released for private and commercial use under the Open Game License 1.0a. The Vintyri Project is a non-profit service. We sell nothing.

This release is only a small beginning. We've begun work now on CC3 versions of the five symbol sets. It will take some time before they're available in true CC3 versions. I can't give you an estimated time frame for a final version at this point. To understand why it will take time, this is what we have to do with each of the 1,033 symbols:

1. Open the original graphic and kill the predefined shadows (so that they don't conflict with CC3's dynamic shadowing).

2. Export the symbols anew as PNGs (without transparency).

3. Load the symbols into The GIMP and define transparency.

4. Still in The GIMP, create a MAP file to define CC3 shadowing properties.

5. Add CD3 control points to each applicable symbol.

As I said, it will take time. But we're doing it.

Happy weekend,

Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project


  • GREAT news! Thanks a lot for all your work!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I was wondering if any of them are ruins ? like buildings, bridges, etc.

    Thanks for doing all that work !
  • Thank you for doing this!
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    edited February 2012
    We are planning future symbols sets with structural ruins and with thatch buildings. However, I have no firm timetable at his time.

    When we need ruins of bridges we use those that are available in the Dundjinni forums.

    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project
  • In a private E-Mail, Remy Monsen has raised some good questions about some of our license terminology. One point made unclear by a text paragraph should be cleared up immediately.

    All users of our material who make maps that contain our fill styles and/or symbols may distribute those maps for private, commercial or any other use in any format, electronic, printed or otherwise that they desire. It is not necessary to include the Open Game License or anything else from us with such distributed material.

    The OGL plays a role only when you redistribute our fill styles or symbols as fill styles or symbols, not when you use them.

    This is an official statement from the Vintyri Project, not merely an opinion.

    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project
  • This is wonderful Mark. Thank you so much for all of your time and effort!
  • 8 days later
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    We did a quiet update of the Fill Styles package a few days ago. Downloading of the new version might be of value if you fall in one of these two categories:

    1. You use DD3 and/or CD3.

    2. You plan to distribute material you make with the Vintyri Fill Styles.

    To elaborate:

    Some DD3/CD3 users who are relatively new to CC3 have asked us to include new map wizards, templates and reference files for DD3 and CD3. They are in the new Version 4.01, but they are of use only if you have DD3 or CD3.

    Remy Monsen pointed out some conflicts that could occur between our file and folder names and the OGL 3.5 in Version 4.0. We've changed the file and folder names in Version 4.01 to eliminate that problem.

    In addition, we've added a binding legal clarification to clear up points in our legal definitions that Remy found to be confusing or unclear. These changes do not restrict users in any way. They make clear that you may do a number of things that might have appeared to be problematic earlier. However, if the license clarification is the only point that's of interest, you can skip the 66 MB download of Version 4.01 and simply read the information on our website.

    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project
  • Thanks for the update =)

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