How to apply a drawing tool model to an existing entity in CC3


I'm actually doing a map using the fantasy world annual style and I'm looking for a way to apply all the properties of the land drawing tool (with the extra entity outline) to another existing entity. The change property function is not what I need because it doesn't add the extra entity outline. I just want to turn a poly into a land (with the right fill, layer AND extra entity outline). I knew i found a way to do it some time ago but I can't remember how I did it.

Edit: I finally found the answer on another topic...
Posted By: Ralf
Now right-lcik the Change Properties button, and choose "Change like drawing tool". Right click and select the "Land, Default" tool from the list. Select your continents and islands and Do It. It will be changed into a continent as if drawn by the Jon Roberts drawing tool.


  • The outline is actually a second, separate entity from the "bulk" of the continent with the fill style applied. Using the drawing tool you want to emulate, draw a small, second landmass for testing purposes that you can delete afterwards. Do an Info -> List on this landmass and you should see two different entities listed. Make a note of the properties of the entity that is the outline (color, line width, fill style, sheet and layer). Now go back to your original continent that you want to make look like the drawing tool landmass. Do a Copy to Layer of the landmass and pick a different layer for it to temporarily reside on. Then click Change Properties and select this newly copied item (it should be on its own layer so that's one way to select it without selecting the main landmass as well). In the dialog box, set the Sheet, Layer, Fill Style, Color and Line Width to the same settings you noted down before. This will create an outline for your landmass.
  • And yes, Change Like Drawing Tool is probably a better option I'd forgotten about in the Change Properties dialog box. :)
  • Thanks for your fast answer jaerdaph, I was just finding what I was looking for just as you were posting... Anyway, you greatly helped me understanding how all this worked :-)
  • And thank you for pointing out the Change Like Drawing Tool option! I'd completely forgotten all about that. It will certainly be a real time saver from now on.
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