Yet another scale question

Brand new CC3 customer; literally bought it yesterday and this is the first day I'm playing around with it in earnest.

As an exercise I am performing a conversion of one of my GM's overland maps for the campaign that I play in. The map that I am converting represents an area that is 1000 miles on a side. I would like one unit to represent 1 mile.

I used the default CC3 template to set up my map. When I went to change the units, I used a Custom unit of 1 unit = 63360 inches (1 mile). Now my background texture is completely blank, I'm thinking because massively scaled up the background texture. When I try to put a symbol down, nothing happens. Help!

I'm reading all I can about CC3 in the meantime, but I understand that it's far easier to set the scale before any drawing starts than afterward. Am I just not going to be able to use a scale of 1 unit = 1 mile, or is there some trick I'm not understanding? If you post, please assume that I am computer savvy but know virtually nothing about CC3.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Try clicking on 'Zoom Extents' top right of CC3. If that doesn't work, then you have a very tiny symbol waaay off to one side of your map border.

    Delete the symbol in Symbols -> Symbol Manager, then click on Zoom Extents again.

    I just use the 1000x 800 mile template, so 1 unit is equal to one mile. Or use the overland map wizard and enter 1000 and 1000 for the height and width of the map.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Just to clarify here, when you create a new overland map, one unit is always one mile. You don't need to go in and change the units for this.
  • I guess my question is, where do I go to see that one unit is one mile? After creating a brand new map using one of the Overland templates, it says that my Drawing Units are in Inches.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You shouldn't dig so deep. Bad for your health and all that, you know. :)

    The big secret is that the underlaying CAD engine cannot properly handle drawings that are many miles large, so CC3 must cheat a little to pull that off. The result is that the map unit box report inches, but the map itself behaves like everything is in miles.
  • I used to dig even deeper, until I took an arrow in the knee. =)

    Thanks a lot for the answers. I'll take your advice and leave the Units dialog alone.
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