[FT3] Repositioning World Data

FT experts probably all know about this but I just figured it out and thought I'd share in case there were others, like me, who have been wanting to know how to do this.

When you tell FT to create a random map, you often get a continent you really like but it runs across the 180 degree longitude line. This causes half the continent to appear on the left half (of a flat projection) and the other half on the right. I'd much rather have the continent centered. I just figured out how to do that.

Under "Map | World Settings | Secondary", you can set coords for the north pole. I always associated those settings strictly with moving the location of the north pole and tilting the axis of the planet. If you only change the longitudinal value, the north pole stays in the same place but the facing is altered. In effect, this repositions the world data allowing you to move the continent so that instead of crossing the +/- 180 line, it becomes centered on the map.

My knowledge of FT is so hit-and-miss, I really need to spend a few days playing with all the options. I wonder how many other cool things like this I don't know about?


  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    At least eleven and two-thirds.
  • I did not know that. Thanks for sharing.
  • 13 days later
  • gymnophoriagymnophoria Newcomer
    edited February 2012
    I worked this out too but I have a problem. I've already manually edited the terrain of my world, but when I change the longitude co-ordinates, it moves the world around x number of degrees, but keeps the edited terrain in the same place! This just makes it look a mess.

    Any idea how to get around this?!

    I also have the problem that whenever I tinker with the Secondary World Settings, it seems to entirely redraw the world so that any fine edits I've made, like changes to coastline or small islands, just vanishes. (NB I have edit size set to Custom: 4096, I saw this in a tutorial somewhere)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Posted By: jslaytonAt least eleven and two-thirds.
    Interesting. I thought it was eleventy-dozen.
  • Posted By: gymnophoriaI worked this out too but I have a problem. I've already manually edited the terrain of my world, but when I change the longitude co-ordinates, it moves the world around x number of degrees, but keeps the edited terrain in the same place! This just makes it look a mess.

    Any idea how to get around this?!
    Yikes! I just verified it on my system as well. This sounds like a job for jslayton.

    It sounds to me like it will require a two-part fix. One to adjust how coords for edits are stored to incorporate changes to north pole settings (on the secondary world map settings page), and a script to run on existing maps to make similar changes.
  • This also happens in FT 2.3, I've just tried. Gr. Looks like I really should've decided where to put my meridian before changing the world!

    I also have another problem with changing Secondary settings - if I change anything, even swapping between Imperial and Metric units, it seems to redraw the entire world, thereby smoothing out and fine manual editing I've done. I changed my mind a while ago and decided I wanted to measure things in km now rather than miles, but if I change the settings, it wipes out all my little islands :o[
  • I can't duplicate the problem you describe with changes to secondary settings erasing edits. I'm no expert but I suspect that is probably related to porting a map from an earlier version.
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