Disappearing Symbols / Scroll Wheel

I'm following along in the 1st tutorial in the Tome of Ultimate Mapping.
I create a landmass, then two contor "mountain" zones.
Then I drop in some "CC3C Great Peak n" symbols.
All looks good, until I use the mouse scroll wheel. Any scroll wheeling (pan in/out) results in the placed symbols all disappearing.
Yet, when I use the wheel on one of the example maps (Carriad.FCW) the wheel seems to work fine (and nothing disappears).

Anyone else seeing this?

CC3, ver. 3.42


  • You made sure that you put the mountain symbols in a sheet above the countour? If the contour is above the mountain symbol it will cover it.
  • I didn't do anything with sheets. I'm just following the instructions in the ToM. :)
    It didn't say anything about sheets, perhaps this is one of the incompatibilities between it and CC3.

    I just noted that if I place a mountain in the ocean it doesn't disappear.
    I didn't create any sheets, so I thought on a given layer things were placed in the order drawn, so the symbols should be visible as they were added on top of the contours, no?

    I had a quick look at the sheets dialog, it doesn't appear that there are any as of yet.
    I'm still confused. :)
  • I dont have the Ultimate Mapping, but I konw that it was made for an earlier version of CC and that they are finishing a new version of it to bring it up to date to CC3. I have read that it will be a free update to people that already have the old version.

    In your CC3 there is a symbol in the left that looks like some papers. It's in the right of the hourglass icon. If you click on it it will sohw your shhets. The top sheet is the back to everytihng and the sheet in the botton is the sheet in fornt of every other sheet.
  • Attached is a map where you can see some of the contours hiding the symbols.
  • Your "CONTOURS (LAND) sheet is the last one. so it is above every other symbol in your map. You have to "move it up until it stays beteween the ROADs sheet and the SYMBOLS sheet.
    Help.JPG 179.4K
  • Thanks Mateus,

    I think we're getting to the problem. I moved "Contours (land)" "up" and was able to get things to display correctly.
    So it seems that there are numerous "sheets" predefined, and that selecting one of them prior to placing a symbol has no effect upon which sheet the symbol is inserted into.

    Looks like I need to read up on sheets. :)
  • In the image I sohw the position that your CONTOURS (LAND) sheet must have.
  • Yes and alwyas double check if what you are drawing or putting in the map is in the correct sheet. The symbol will go the the sheet "ticked" in th moment that you place it.

    Sory for my not so good english =)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Some years ago, before CC3 came out, we discussed the behaviour of symbol placement by the software.

    Some of us, including me, asked that the symbols be forced to the symbol sheet as we forget to make sure we are on the symbol layer and symbol sheet. My early maps are a 'shining' example of me doing this.

    I believe there is a method to turn that off, but I don't remember where it is in the CC3 menus.
  • Thanks again Mateus!

    You have fixed my problem, and I've learned how to use sheets well ahead of the "schedule" in the ToM.


    PS. Your English is perfect.
  • Jim,

    I rather like this behavior (symbols on symbol sheet, etc.) Now that I know about it that is!
    Definitely better this way vs, just being inserted into whatever sheet is selected at the moment.
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