need help on putting 2 different color square grids on a map

I put one large scale square grid on the map easily.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    When I go to add a smaller square grid, even with putting them on different layers, it changes the color.

    I made the smaller grid at 250, the large grid is at 10000.

    It looks to me like its changing the color of the larger grid.

    I even put them on different sheets.

    So, it is possible that I'm just covering the first grid.

    Any suggestions ?

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Oh, I'm making star charts using the CosV_Stars_Gliese symbols.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    edited February 2012
    The second grid is covering the first, that's why it looks like the color has changed (or that there is only one grid). Here's what I do: Use two different Sheets for the grids. Put the smaller square grid on a sheet below the larger square grid sheet. The grids should be two different colors if you want to see them as separate. When I use the same color for the grid though, to get a quad ruled graph paper effect, I use a transparency sheet effect (50% usually works nicely) on the smaller square grid so it stands out. As long as the larger grid is on a sheet that sits on top of the smaller one, you will see both.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    edited February 2012
    In other words, your grids may be on two different layers, but they are still on the same sheet, so the second smaller blue grid is covering up the black one.
  • Create a new sheet (e.g. GRID2) above the existing GRID sheet, so that your Sheet order is as follows:
    GRID (small blue grid goes here)
    GRID2 (larger black grid goes here)
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    edited February 2012
    I responded late last night so I was a little tired, so I missed the part where you said you had tried different Sheets. See my post above with the proper sheet order- you have to make sure the sheet with the larger black grid is drawn by CC3 *after* the sheet with the smaller blue grid for both to be seen. That means the sheet with the larger grid (GRID2) must be further down the Sheet list closer to the bottom as the sheet order determines drawing order top to bottom.

    Hope this is helpful.
  • One last thing: The same drawing order issues apply to drawing the grids on the same sheet - you would need to create the larger black grid *after* you create the smaller blue grid in order to see both, since the larger black entity will then sit on top of the smaller blue grid entity. (Remember the grid is actually a grouped collection of entities.)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I know about sheets, but I'll double check my drawing order. Thanks.

    Don't worry about being tired, you should read some of the errors I post in here when I'm tired. Whoosh.
  • Remember the grid is actually a grouped collection of entities. Groups don't always behave the way you think they will or like other non-grouped entities when Locked. If you have two grids on the same sheet and you Unlock you can select the individual entities that make up the grid you want on top by color (black) and Layer (HEX/SQUARE GRID) for example and Move to Front on those. Then set back to Locked and you should be fine.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I've selected by tag number after using list, which is what I presume you refer to.
  • That works too. Any selection method that gets you to the entities that make up the grid you want to move to the front is fine.
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