Ideas to improve the simplicity of map creation

The sector generation that is included with Cosmographer 3 is an excellent tool for simplifying map creation. One enhancement it could really use is the ability to have it reference files on the local machine without the need to setup a localhost site to serve up the files. I have the files for the nine sectors that will make up my campaign. I can update them and regenerate the map quickly. Another nice addition would be to allow a single hex border. You can’t do this right now, I have to make a two hex border and update the map after generation.

The idea that comes out of this is generation of systems, worlds, and towns from data. A tool like Fractal Terrains to create random systems and / or towns from initial criteria would be awesome. The systems and worlds could use the Traveller templates. The cities can use standard CC3 templates. The world data files could use text files like the SEC file used by the sector generator. Instead of putting in each world the data would be each community data. The world map would not have roads or small communities but just the large communities and downports. The town maps could have text files like the SEC as well that could have prominent buildings listed instead of the worlds in the SEC. The rest of the buildings would be filler defined by header data in the file. Allow the style set (fantasy, modern, future) to be defined in the header as well.

This is just a thought.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Hmm. By localhost site, do you mean for a virtual tabletop ? Some of them have their own servers or you could get your own domain.

    I'll probably do it that way. As Crestar isn't 'just a storage site', one of the parts of my terms of service, I can pull maps from there, or my hard drive.

    Sorry, I have no idea why SEC is.
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