A silly question

Here's a question far below the expertise level of the people on this forum, but I'm not sure where else to ask. I write fantasy novels and use CC3 only for creating basic maps, so my knowledge is limited. Recently, I became nostalgic for the old Avalon Hill board games, and ended up buying a CD with complete PDF's of several of the games. I thought it might be fun to have my own simple 'virtual' version to play on my computer--just moving the pieces around with my mouse. I know I can import the map PDFs, and I thought I could place the army pieces on a separate layer of CC3. But, I don't think there's any way to leave the pieces "movable," so I don't have to erase them every time I make a move. Would you know any way to accomplish this in CC3, or another way to do it on another program? (I know I could just buy the board game on ebay, but this is a bit of a whimsy) Any thoughts would be appreciated.




  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    If you are going to load the map into CC3, just move the symbols around the CC3 map.

    Unless I've completely misunderstood your question.
  • Won't they become stationary once I create them? Or is there a tool I can use to move them around at any time? For example, say I create some text. Doesn't it become fixed in place at some point, so it can't be moved without erasing it and recreating it on another square? Again, please forgive my ignorance. I only use CC3 on a very irregular basis; have to relearn the program every time I pull it up, because it may be 6 months to a year between uses. Wish I had more time for it, because it's very cool.


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    You can move them around with the MOVE command (on the left toolbar). No entities in CC3 become "fixed", they can always be moved, edited and so on - that's the beauty of a vector and object based graphics program.
  • Ahh! Many thanks. That also helps me greatly on my little maps. I really appreciate you humoring an inexperienced user.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    No humoring involved! :D I know that any software can be tricky to get into and takes some time to learn.
  • I'm also a relative newb to CC3, but I discovered grouping the other day (obvious to the veterans on this site, I'm sure...) under the Tools menu. Great if you want to 'group' items together and move them as a bunch (such as a hand of cards) in a game.

    I'm not sure what happens if you group things on different sheets - I'm guessing a doorway to Zuul...
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