Tome of Ultimate Mapping ? Annuals ?

JUST used the gift voucher over Christmas to get a number of the programs/add-ons and join your community, and have a question for you experienced users as I want as much help on "how to" as possible to follow on my own, being PC and Photoshop literate, but not FT3 and CC3 literate !

Noting the age of the items quoted on its page is it worth geting the Tome of Ultimate Mapping or is it a little out of date, program wise ? Also saw the threads here in the forum on the ANNUALS - again is it worth getting the older ones for the same age reasoning ? Or doesnt the age matter and will still be of use ?

Guidance would be appreciated then need to consider the costs.............
many thanks


  • I've found the Annuals to be extremely useful as a beginner. The Tome hasn't been useful to me, though, because it seems to be very much a creature of CC2; it would be nice to see it updated.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2011
    All the annuals are from the CC3 area, so age is not an issue with these, they are all just as relevant.

    It is true that the Tome is getting a bit old, since it was written for CC2 Pro. Personally, I still find it full of highly usable advice, but it does not cover the new features of CC3 (Of which raster symbols and sheet effects are the two most prominent), and some of the commands are executed slightly different in CC3 (For example, CC2 had one button for each individual property you wished to changed, while CC3 has the change properties button which gives you a dialog to change everything at once). That said, an update to the tome is being worked on.
  • Awesome! It seems like a great idea, just outdated.
  • Thanks guys, comments greatly appreciated on both points, and yes the Tome updating will be excellent.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I still use the Tome for non-version specific things. Since I don't use sheet effects, the Tome works for me.
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