Ello' ello'

Hey gang!

I guess some sort of intro is in order. *ahem* I go by "E" out here in the Ethernet, but am a military guy currently in Southern California. I game regularly, both table top and Xbox live. Well, I'm totally new to this map building thing... but MAN is it fun! Attached is a city map I started today (completely inspired by Gandwarf) for a friend of mines D&D game. Not done, but working on it. Brenzen is visioned as a fairly wealthy city with lots of land for its inhabitants with a central castle complex the city is built around.

Thoughts/feedback welcome and encouraged!



  • edited December 2011
    HI "E"!!!!
    Whaz'up troop! It is I, Bill Roach, Welcome to the forum compadre!!!

    The city map looks awsome duder - and the more that you get into doing this stuff - the more the bug's gonna bite'ya! I play XBOX also, my favorite genre is stuff like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, etc... If you need some downlow on where to find stuff to make your maps look better - ask around - or give me a holler - and I'll see what I can do.

    About the forum - now it moves kinda slow from time to time - so don't get impatient or ticked off if you ask a question or post a thread and it doesn't get a follow up ASAP - because it takes a little while for the thread to start rolling. This is because #1, your talking to folks all over the world - and hence - in different time zones, and #2, people work, have personal lives, and such and such. Where it might be prime time here in the U.S. - in the U.K., Europe, wherever else - it might be so late that the roosters are snoring.

    Your gonna find A LOT of people here who can school you - and by the time that you've been into it for a while, I can pretty much gaurantee that your gonna be doing maps that are pro qaulity eye ball melters. Looks like your already off to a splendid start!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Hi, and Welcome.

    I am glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself.

    Looking at your map, it seems you are off to a good start. Don't forget to post the finished version, and don't hesitate to ask questions if you need to.
  • Thanks guys! Appreciate the warm welcome. Don't worry, the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked! For example, understanding sheets is something I'm currently digging into. But they seem to be very similar to layers in PS (right? Lol). Seperating objects that are on the "wrong layer" is something I'm looking into as well, like my towers in case I want to offer them different shadows, etc.

    And Bill, trust me I know I'm a noobie! I look forward to the frequent rides on the short bus to school. There are some *amazing* map makers on here!

    Thanks again guys, back to the map! I'll post the finished product when I get her done.

  • edited December 2011
    So I'm still working on my initial map, but would like to hear your thoughts on how I can make some of the properties "stand out." The concept is that they are owned by the 12 lords of the city, and I want them to stick out more. Each has walls and a tower or two, just looking for some other thoughts. The bigger house in the middle of the image is the town Lord meeting place and is utilized by all. The other Lord's homes are surrounded by walls and should be able to pick them out.

    I've attached an updated image.

    Thanks for any/all feedback!

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I'd suggest to make the images a little bit smaller for the forum (800x600 is typically a good size). These large ones are hard for getting a good impression of the map.

    Very nice work on your city!
  • Ralf,

    Glorious idea, admittedly one I should have thought of earlier. Now, how do I do that? :P

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Get a free image editing program like Paint.NET, Irfanview or the Gimp. These allow easy rescaling of any bitmap images.
  • I use the Gimp myself. The map looks really sharp so far. Sheets and layers took me a minute to get my head around. I'm sure you've probably already sussed it out but Sheets are basically for effects and layers is basically for organization. Like, I want to make sure, if I'm doing a floorplan, to put all of the furniture on the same layer, but the individual pieces may exist on different sheets. Some furniture is taller than others and will cast longer shadows and some pieces won't cast shadows at all. But I still want to very easily hide all of the furniture if I need to work on something on the floor. At least, this is how I understand them.

    I'm really excited to see your finished product!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Irfanview can be used to shrink a graphic file. Png is best.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    As an example, I've replaced your last image with a smaller version (800x640 pixel). You can also directly export from CC3 at that size by clicking the Options button on the Save as dialog and setting the pixel size accordingly.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Posted By: RalfGet a free image editing program likePaint.NET,Irfanvieworthe Gimp. These allow easy rescaling of any bitmap images.
    Whoops. I see you already did suggest Irfanview. Sorry.
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