How to resize map?

Hello all

My first post here...

I just started fiddling with CC3, just getting the hang of it..

My problem is that I miscalculated tha map size when I started. I want to put more stuff in but there is no room. How can I resize my map, making it bigger (at least whider)?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Two easy ways to enlarge the map.
    1. Simply create a new map of the desired size, then copy all the entities from the old map.
    2. Make sure that the background and map border layers are not frozen, then use Scale image to resize them.
  • Thanks for the reply

    Since scale seems to effect both width and hights it seems that the easiest way is to go with alt 1.

    I found a copy icon next to the scale. Selected all element, created a new map and.... then what? How do I place the copied elements?
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    If you want to change only one dimension of the map, there are two commands to do this:

    ScaleXY lets you scale the dimension in different ways. Just put in a scale factor of 1 to leave one dimension unchanged.

    Stretch let's you do a similar thing. Select the entities to stretch (that would be the background and the border), draw a window across the side to stretch, then select an origin and a destination for the stretch.

    For both operations it might be helpful to hide everything but the MAP BORDER and BACKGROUND layers.

    If you want to go ahead with the new map method, simply use the clipboard copy (ctrl-c). The Copy command on the button is for copy operations within the map.
  • 3 years later
  • I may be facing a similar issue here so I'll post before making a new thread. I'm on CC3+. I miscalculated my map size due to counting hex without accounting for overlap. Since my hex don't stagger in the vertical direction, that is fine. Horizontally however my map is too many hexes. Everything is perfectly scaled the way I want it, I just want to hack off about 15% of the map on the right hand side (I started drawing from the left hand side so we're good over there, but once I got to the edge of the map I'm transcribing, there was still more room, more hexes, etc. A crop tool in paint even would do almost exactly what I want, but I'd rather not resort to another program and hack off my boarders and stuff too.

    Is there a way to almost edit my map size that I plugged in at the beggining, and have that relative to one side of the map? Or any other way to accomplish what I am describing?
  • Followup to the above post, I started a new map to figure out how much my overlap is and here is exactly what I need to do:

    Old map: 975x1375 map size with 25 hex size

    I need this to become 850x1375 map size with that 125 distance coming off by bringing the right edge (east) of my map in. The hex size will remain 25 and all items/symbols on the left hand side of my map I do not want to move or change size or anything.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Either delete your hex grid, then use SCALEXY to scale the map border and background y direction by 850/975, (x by 1), scale center left edge, then add a new hex grid
    Create a new map in the desired size, then use clipboard copy to copy everything from your old map (except border, background and grid) to the new map.
  • edited February 2015
    Thanks a ton for the quick response. I had trouble even finding these options but I learned today that you can right click on tools for additional options! Progress!

    I'm having a little bit of trouble with both tools, but the clipboard copy looks to be the closest. The trouble I am having with that is my land is coming way off the map in the direction I cropped. Part of it isn't there because I assume the map border is on top, but then past that is like a block of land (my mainland). Any ideas? Scale does not seem to be working for this (not following the right lines once scaled)
  • Acutally I found a way to do it using move node to bring my corners in! it's looking good. Just saved me a lot of work thank you!
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