Going crazy... Sheet Effect, Dark On the Inside, Chewy on the outside...

Ok. So you can see by my topic title I'm going a little off my rocker. Here's what I'm trying to do...

I have a contour in the shape of a circle that sit's under a forrest.
This is supposed to be a dark forrest.
The contour color is a grey color.
I want to add a glow or something that centers a black spot in the middle of my contour and then fades to the grey of the contour it self.

So. 1 contour, looking for an effect that puts a pure black spot in the middle of the contour and then blurs out to the natural color of the contour it self... any help would be greatly appriciated.


  • In the end I gave up and just added another sheet. Added a dark landmass on the new sheet and blurred it in at the center of the forrest. Just wish there was a way to have just made a dark center via a blur. Oh well. this works.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    You can't make a dark center via a blur/glow. Creating a new sheet is the way to go. Instead of using a Blur, you can put a copy of your forest background on the new sheet, make it Black and use a Edge Fade Inner effect.
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