Editing & Using New Textures

Hello everyone, I have been using Jonathan Roberts Overland pack and really like it but I've been wanting to expand the basic textures for the Overland Terrain drawing tools. Specifically I wanted some darker tones for the Grasslands and the Land_Dark tile set. I opened them in photo shop and made the changes that I wanted and saved them with a new name. However, when I go to make a new overland drawing tool I cannot find the new tiles in the file stile window....can anyone tell me how to do this?

Thanks in advance.

Lee Holt


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You need to import your new bitmaps as fill styles first.

    Either go to Tools -> Import bitmap fill styles and use that dialog to import them (Will automatically import everything in the folder you specify, and optionally create the required resolutions if you haven't made them already.

    Optionally, go to the fill style dialog by clicking on the fill style indicator to the far right on the status bar, go to the bitmap files tab, find the original entry for your modified bitmaps, then hit the "New" button to make a copy of this setting under a new name. In the new setting, then replace the original file name with the one of your modified file.

    Now, you should be able to create drawing tools using the new fill styles.

    Keep in mind that the procedure above imports them into the current map, not globally. If you want to make multiple maps using these new fill styles, you should do the changes to the template instead of a map. If you do that, all maps you make from that template in the future will contain the appropriate fill style definitions.
  • Thanks for the lesson. I would like to be able to use the new fill's globally, so my next question is how do I do that? :)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    By editing templates and saving them.

    Everytime you use such a template, you'll use the fills you created.

    I did the same for a surface map template I created.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    To clarify a bit, you cannot make fill styles available globally. You can only add them to a template, as JimP explains, and then all new maps you create from this template will have these new fill styles.

    CC3 uses templates almost exclusively for storing such information. This is the most sensible way, since CC3 supports a wide range of different map types and styles, and all have very different needs for fill styles.
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