Anyone working on SPACE: 1889 ships ?

Aether ships go between the planets. Basically, Victorian-Era European Empires go to Mars. I found this site: http//
A Google images search for ' SPACE: 1889 machines' shows a number of aircraft and aether ships for this rpg.
I was wondering if anyone has been working on the ships for this rpg ?
A Google images search for ' SPACE: 1889 machines' shows a number of aircraft and aether ships for this rpg.
I was wondering if anyone has been working on the ships for this rpg ?
I am going to create a Dream Park, from Steve Jackson games, adventure area and have that adventure be based on Space: 1889.
Here is the site I'll place it on.
It is my old Nessie of Marsport site. I'll revamp it. I've already redone the surface map area around Marsport.
I kinda like blog, but I think is better.