CC3 PNG exports and resolution

When you export a PNG from CC3, it always has a resolution of 96 dpi no matter what you set the horizontal and vertical pixels at for export. Is there a way within CC3 that I can change the dpi before I export (e.g. 72 dpi, 150 dpi, 300 dpi or 600 dpi)? I know how to calculate what pixels I need in CC3 before I export and then change the resolution from 96 dpi to something else in GIMP, but if I could eliminate the middleman that would be swell.

Just to be clear - I'm not talking about video monitor screen "resolution" here (horizontal and vertical pixel count, which is really image dimension), I'm talking about printing resolution (dpi). So in GIMP terms I mean Image -> Print Size... (image resolution), not Image -> Canvas Size... (image dimensions)

Thanks in advance for any insight. :)


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