Some questions about CC3

Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me out with these questions. I am planning out a fantasy world about which I hope to write some stories, so I naturally want it to be somewhat large. I want a few continents and some islands as well. So, here come the questions!

what should the dimensions of my map be? Can I change the dimensions of a map if I need to? Can I make separate maps for each island/continent/region and then paste them together to make a big map that contains my entire fantasy world? How big do you think a normal kingdom should be in square miles?

I know some of those questions might seem weird or make me seem pretty stupid, but then I'm completely new to this type of thing. If anyone can answer any of these questions for me, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: RunningWolfwhat should the dimensions of my map be?
    Well, since you are talking about continents, it sounds like you are planning to provida a map for your entire planet. Which means, you need to descide how big the planet is. Smaller than earth? larger? about equal. For reference, a map of earth would be approximately 40.000x20.000 km
    Posted By: RunningWolfCan I change the dimensions of a map if I need to?
    Posted By: RunningWolfCan I make separate maps for each island/continent/region and then paste them together to make a big map that contains my entire fantasy world?
    Yes. You need to be a bit careful with this approach though, as you would tend to put quite a bit of detail on a regional map that doesn't really look that good when placed in a world map which is normally viewed more zoomed out. But it is definately possible.
    Posted By: RunningWolfHow big do you think a normal kingdom should be in square miles?
    This depends a lot on the local culture, amount of resources in the area, military strength of the rulers and so on.
  • Thanks so much for your help! If you know, could you tell me how I can change the scale of a map and how I can put two different maps together? Thanks!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I have a tutorial, and others have psoted as well, for joining two small maps by the edges so they match. It was written for CC2, but my method works for CC3 as well.

    Just look in here for the subject 'joining two maps'.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    edited August 2011
    Posted By: RunningWolfCan I change the dimensions of a map if I need to?
    I started working on a modern city map today for a supers game and I needed to resize my entire map (the dimensions I initially selected when I created my map were too small). I found these helpful instructions for doing that rather quickly and painlessly:
    Resize Background
  • Thanks so much for your help guys!
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