Trouble Combining CD3 with lighted dungeon annual

I have been experimenting a lot with the lighted dungeon annual lately and have started another map, this one a small area of a modern neighborhood that I am putting together for an All Flesh Must Be Eaten game that may or may not ever occur. Seems like the more time goes on I spend more time making maps than I do actually playing, but it's something I've always enjoyed.

Anyway, I was hoping to use CD3 for the houses along the street but when I insert houses from CD3 the light from the various sources doesn't seem to affect the house at all. The roads seem like they are also visible regardless of whether the light is visible. My hope was to make a map that is lit only by ambient sources such as streetlights and front porch lights.

Any suggestions for making the houses behave? I have tried to change the houses and put them all on one sheet. Any other suggestions?



  • If I get it correctly (I'm learning to use lights myself), all sheets that need to create a shadow need the "Wall Shadow, Point Light Setup" effect.
    You can assign one sheet to have a "Wall Shadow, Point light Finalize" effect. All sheets that are above it are not affected by the light.

    That's how far I know things work with the lights.
  • I have added the Wall Shadow, Point Light Setup to the Buildings layer, to no avail. Haven't really had serious time to play with it. I was really hoping it would be something easy.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    You might need to post your FCW file here, so we can take a look at it.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    You had your light effects a little messed up, specifically a "Wall Shadow, Point Light Finalize" already on your LIGHTS sheet. This effect marks the end of all lighting effects. Also, your length of wall shadows was a little short (3 feet) for a street map.

    Things need to be in this order:

    1. Lights
    2. Sheets with shadow-casting objects (using the "Wall Shadow, Point Light Setup" effect)
    3. A sheet to mark the end of lighting effects (using the "Wall Shadow, Point Light Finalize"). You can also put this on the same sheet as the objects castnig shadows, but it needs to be last in the list.

    I've attached a version of the map with this setup.

    You'll find a good reference for how to set this up in the help entry "Light Sources".
  • Thank you very much Ralf! My last few maps hadn't done that! Appreciate the help!

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