Altering Hatch style in Annual44

I've drawn a few maps that I always thought were a little bare for details. A week ago, I looked into Annual 44 (Landform maps) and discovered some interesting patterns to put down as overlays on my map. Looking at the drawing tools, I really liked some of the fill styles but when attempting to overlay them onto my map discovered the grey background was not transparent and the fill style ended up with a big white area on my map. Fair enough. I thought I would edit the hatch style and change the solid background to hollow. In CC3 I edited the style to include a hollow fill style, and in the hatch it looks as if the pattern is transparent (ie: the pattern shows up, but with no background.
Try a tool again, but no dice.
I tried looking for *any* documentation on Hatching and found a little that refers to Perspectives Pro, but nothing for CC3.

So, my question: can what I'm looking to do be done? If so, how?


  • Sigh. Asking is the mother of all problem solving. Found my answer.
  • But.... another question.

    The pattern doesn't seem to be scalable. When I go to Custom Drawing Tools > Advanced and change the Sample Width, it shows either a larger or smaller sample (as appropriate) when I update. However, when I use the tool, the hatching size remains the same.

    Any pointers?
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    The Sample Width is just the size of the preview image and doesn't affect the final result at all.

    Unfortunately hatch styles can't be scaled quite so simply. I'd recommend the following procedure.

    - Go to CC3/Hatch Styles/ and make a copy of the hatch style FCW you want to change.
    - Open the copied FCW file in CC3 and scale everything by the factor you want. Save the file.
    - In your original drawing, make a copy of the drawing tool, renaming it to your new size.
    - in the Advanced tool dialog, select Outline and change the hatch style to your new, rescaled FCW file.

    You now have a new drawing tool with the same hatch at a new scale.

    Hope that helps!
  • Hmmm. I've always drawn large maps and scaled my symbols to tiny in order to put lots of detail.

    Perhaps someone could point me in the direction of taking a large map and breaking it in to smaller pieces. Then I could just use the default scale.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited July 2011
    just do a search in here on the subject 'large map to small'. I'll go ahead and link to it.

    Smaller maps into larger maps or larger maps into smaller

    my tutorial
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