Cosmographer and CC3 - Editing Sector Names

Hi all - having some trouble with the Traveller sector and subsector mapping tools in a CC3 installation. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to select and edit the Sector Name and Subsector name that appear in the upper right of the SectorE01.fcw tutorial, for example. The tutorial text says I should be able to click the Edit button (presumably this is Edit - Edit Text - Edit text since I show no such button), select the 'Sector' text and edit it, but when I do that I cannot select anything in the template except for text I added myself - the Sector, Subsector and other template text cannot be modified.

I am sure I am missing something stupidly obvious here - can some one give me a clue?


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Is the layer they are on frozen ?
  • There was one layer (Foreground) shown as Frozen, and I unfroze that, but still cannot select the text for edit. I cannot even erase the text - CC3 returns an error claiming it cannot perform the command ERASE. Uninstalling and re-installing didnt seem to help any - I will give it another try, but I am thus far sorely disappointed with the upgrade to CC3.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    THe tutorial for Cosmographer is still written for CC2 Pro, that's why there are a few incosistencies. The button you should use to edit the text is Numeric Edit (the button with "#" on it in the left toolbar). Also, you're better off, starting a new sector map from scratch, as the templates have been updated for CC3. Start a map based on the template "Sector Parsec Hex.FCT" in Templates/Cosmograpger/Sector/.

    What confuses me is why ERASE should appear for you. THe command has been replaced with ERA in CC3. What are you using to start the command? The eraser icon on the left toolbar?
  • 7 days later
  • Sorry - been travelling. I get the ERASE error when using the either the Icon or the command in the Edit menu. I tried uninstalling and re-installing both CC3 and Cosmographer, and running the Cosmographer update, but I get the same error.

    When I use the Numeric Edit (after Unfreezing the Background layer), I can select titles on the Subsector mapp, but not on the world map - in that case its not as big a deal as there is plenty of room to add a planet name and information.

    I also run into the problem mentioned earlier with the World map template, where the hexes 'spill over' off of the map and into the open spaces between.

    I guess what I am starting to wonder is if it was really correct to say Cosmographer is CC3-ready. Is there a plan for some additional Cosmographer patches?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    hmm.. I cannot reproduce the erase error myself on my cosmographer install. You have installed the Cosmographer compatibility update into CC3, and not the old original Cosmographer installer, right? I noticed you are asying that you are installing both Cosmographer and the cosmographer update, which seems to indicate that you first install it using the original installer, which you should not do, and then the compatibility update. Under CC3, you should only install the compatibility update, it contains the entire addon. The original installer is only for installing into CC2, and will cause trouble if installed into your CC3 directory.

    In any case, the workaround to using the command from the menu/toolbar is just to type ERA on the command prompt in CC3 to erase it, or edit the cosmographer.mnu file found in the CC3 directory, and replace ERASE with ERA-

    There does seem to be a problem with the world map that causes the hexes to show outside the map area. I've explained a workaround in this topic.
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