Cosmographer Traveller Satellite Size <7

I am starting a summer long Warhammer 40k campaign and I will be using Campaign Cartographer to help visually keep track of our progress (I will probably start a blog) however I really want to use the Cosmographer Traveller Satellite Template for each individual planets but the hex size is too small. Is there a way to make a size 4, 5, or 6 hex grid for them?

When I choose my own settings and do Hex Grid 100 it seems okay as it is evenly spaced (Hex grid 75 is not) but the grid is on top of everything and I can not get it to show only in the map.

Ultimately I would like to have a size 4, 5, 6 with evenly spaced hexes as we may cut them out and glue them into icosahedral planets for a bit of fun. But right now with them being size seven and higher it is just too many hexes to fight over.

I hope I'm explaining this right.


  • Simon RogersSimon Rogers Administrator, ProFantasy Traveler
    Posted By: Highland_PiperWhen I choose my own settings and do Hex Grid 100 it seems okay as it is evenly spaced (Hex grid 75 is not) but the grid is on top of everything and I can not get it to show only in the map.
    I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. Whatever sheet it gets added to, you can move up the sheet list so that other things are drawn on top of it.
  • Well Sheets aside, is there a way to create this template as a size 4, 5, or 6? Creating your own does not work so well as the Hex grids are not aligned with the map unless you size the grid up to 100.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    With a bit of adjustments this was easy to do:

    1. Open the Size 7 template.
    1. Hide all layers but HEX/SQUARE GRID
    2. Move the icosahedral outlines and the two long horizontal lines to the layer MAP.
    3. Show all layers and freeze only HEX/SQUARE GRID
    4. Use "Non-visual scale", select All, scale by 6/7 (new world size/old world size), Do it. Use the lower leftmost-corner of the icosahedral area as the origin (that's the center of a hex). Everything but the hex grid should be scaled down.
    5. Unfreeze HEX/SQUARE GRID
    6. Erase the part of the grid that extends beyond the screen border.
    7. Change the first digit of the UWP to the new world size.
    8. Save the drawing as a new template.

    I've attached world sizes 4, 5 and 6.
  • Ralf if I was to have any more children I would name one after you. As I already have four would you settle for my next goldfish? You are truly a gentleman and a scholar sir and I salute you.

    In other words, Thank you again.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I'll be happy to settle for the goldfish. :D
  • 1 year later
  • I've tried this, but there is no "Map" layer on the world maps.
  • Is there anyone out there who could come up with templates under the new T5 standards?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    You can add layers. Just click on the layers dialog, and click on the Add button. Click okay until you are back in CC3.
  • I finally figured it out. T5 assumes a 1000-km basic hex. Each planet size is worked out using a separate template. The size8 template can be used as a basis, the masking layer adjusted, and so on. It's a little inelegant, but it works for worlds smaller than 8, and probably can be adapted for larger worlds.
  • 9 years later
  • edited March 2022

    I figured out the steps for what you want to do and make it full-sized, for any size world. My apologies for being about 9 years late. :)

    ->Create a new Cosmographer map, selecting the Decide Settings option.

    ->Select Traveller World Vector map.

    ->Accept the default Map Dimensions of 1000 X 569 and click Next.

    ->Select Grid Overlay and use the Grid Settings for a Vertical Hex grid with no Labelling. The Grid spacing should be 200/world_size (i.e. size 1 = 200, size 2 = 100, size 3 = 66.66667, etc.).

    ->After you have the map, create two new 2d Hexagonal grids. I call them My_Hexgrid_1 and My_Hexgrid_2 for reference.

    ->My_Hexgrid_1 should have orientation Vertical, Width = 200/world_size (same as above), and Origin 0,x where x =

    -1*(100*SQRT(3)/(3*world_size)) (i.e. size 1 = -57.73503, size 2 = -28.86751, size 3 = -19.24501, etc.). Round, don't truncate.

    ->My_Hexgrid_2 should have orientation Vertical, Width 200/world_size (same as above), and Origin 0,-148.49738. I'm not sure what the value of -148.49738 represents, but I found it using trial and error. Note that this value is the same regardless of world size.

    -> Next you need to move the existing hex grid. Select grid My_Hexgrid_1 and turn on the Snap feature. When you select the hex grid, you should see the portions of the grid that are hidden. The Move From point should be the center of the hex closest to the upper left most white V between the first two blue triangles on the upper portion of the map. This point should align vertically either directly above or below the point of the V. After selecting that point, change to grid My_Hexgrid_2. The point to Place the hex grid is the point of the V.

    ->If you had to move the hex grid far enough that the horizontal border now appears crossing the tips of the blue triangles either at the top or the bottom of the map, then you will need to Erase those. To do that, first select Tools -> Groups -> Ungroup from the menu and select the hex grid. You should then be able to Erase the portions of the border that appear in the blue triangles.

    ->It is possible that you may have erased some small portions of the hex grid near the corners of the blue triangles. If so, you should be able to redraw those as lines on Sheet Grid, Layer Map, Color 240. My_Hexgrid_2 should allow you to Snap to all of the proper points.

    ->Next, Erase all of the horizontal lines crossing the white triangles, the ones that are supposed to connect the partial hexes. Regardless of world size, the default template draws seven across each.

    ->Redraw the horizontal lines crossing the white triangles using Sheet Map Border, Layer Map, Color 0. There should be one per partial hex (with one partial hex per world size), and the portions of the partial hexes should be connected by those lines. My_Hexgrid_2 should allow you to Snap to all of the proper points. Note that the white triangles in the lower left and lower right corners of the map will only have one partial hex to connect. The other end of the line should connect to a hex side either on the map border or beyond it.

    ->If the lines you just drew across the lower right and left white triangles cross the map border, then Trim them to the map border.

    Good luck with your map making!

    Baron Ovka

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