Overland Hex Map problem

So I just purchased Cosmographer 3 and I'm trying out the Overland Hex Maps to use in my Warhammer 40K Planet Strike campaign. My problem is that whenever I add structures (as indicated by the instructions Page 16 #10) and then add effects all the symbols are hidden. I've tried bringing to the front, moving structures in the Effects tab and they still don't appear.

What do I need to do?


  • The order in which entities are drawn is based on the Sheet they are in when you activate Sheet Effects - from top to bottom of the list in the Sheet Status section of "Drawing Sheets and Effects". So, Sheets at the bottom are drawn last and will be on top of the sheets above.

    It looks like Structures by default are placed in the "Symbols" sheet. So, changing the order of the "Structures" sheet isn't going to affect your structure symbols. Very confusing, I know!

    So, it's worth checking which sheet the structures you've added are contained in - I use the Info -> List function to do this.

    Then, it sounds like you have some other entities in another sheet that is drawn after your entities in the symbol sheet (or whichever sheet your structures are in). Are you selecting any specific listed sheet effects when you activate sheet effects?

    You can check the settings by loading the example file/s mentioned in the guide you are following (world 09.fcw, for example).
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