Regarding Symbol Catalogs in the Profantasy Map library

There are some symbol catalogs that have the .ccx extention and say " Requires SymEncrypt " where do you get this and how do you use it. there are some good symbols there but not useable do to this.


  • LatharionLatharion Traveler
    You will need a program called "SymEncrypt" to decrypt those symbols. Profantasy once used this program to safeguard against distribution of symbols without permission. The program was originally only available to registered users and was found in the registered user area of their website. It doesn't seem to be now though. Perhaps you could write to tech support and ask about "SymEncrypt". It might be located on some very obscure page of the site.

    As I recall it, "SymEncrypt" was abandoned as a potential secure method of distribution several years ago.
  • Well I did find it was suppose to be on the registration page on the right under other upgrades but as I have so much of the new software I don't have it there. I hope tech has an answer for me. I wish they would just correct the 10 or so symbol catalogs on the library so anyone can use them. The old symbols are still good for various things
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I don't see it there either, under 'other upgrades' which used to go to a page with the symencrypt file on it. And I got CC2, etc. software back in 1999.
  • Well I hope that Profantasy still has it. I really do want a these symbols sets. I like the new CC3 but I still like the old look and symbols. I have CC3 and its upgrades available installed. But I've kept CC2 installed as well with all its features addons and run it side by side. Anul I know, but its like an old friend, and I don't have to do things to the old maps, etc to use it.

    I really want to get the Bedroom set.ccx and Buildings.ccx catalogs to work, though there are about 10 other catalogs as well.
  • 1 year later
  • Sorry for the Thread Necromancy, but I've had this issue as well - there seems to be no way to get SymEncrypt any more. Any ideas? (emails to ProFantasy on the subject have gone unanswered)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    No ideas, sorry. Ralf ?
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