used CC3 for not making a map

I searched because i remember a thread of us talking about using CC3 for something other than making maps.

I made a hallway costume character tag. The local sf/f/gaming convention encourages members to wear costumes to the convention that aren't necessarily going to be in the costume contest.

My hallway costume was a chef's coat, a chef hat, an orange spatula with a smiley face, and the below graphic.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited April 2011
    picture... the idea is from an old Twilight Zone show.
  • I've made calendars, game calculators, construction diagrams, system cabling diagrams, illustrations of weapons, charts, graphs, game boards, character sheets, logos, signs, flowcharts, and more. Drawing maps is only barely the majority of what I use CC for - and that's just because the maps take more time to perfect.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    Room assignment floor plans for conferences, logos, and a set design for a school play.
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Traveler
    I've used it for character sheets, diagrams and graphics for court cases I've worked on, flow charts, and I did some work for Feng Shui RPG refence charts that I never got around to finish. have used character artist to make graphics to print on blank envelops so they look cooler.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    I used it for several floorplans and other illustrations used in my master thesis. I've also used it when making graphs for various reports, because of the ability to place points by typing in the coordinates. I've also used it to make partial floorplans of both my own and my mothers house for planning purposes.
  • Genealogic trees.
    Templates for foamcore/plywood/cardboard modelling forms.
    Wish/Invitation/Menu cards.
    UV color/bump maps for 3D softwares.
    Geometric for my students...
  • I'm using CC3 to make illustrations for an upcoming book that I'm co-writing - makes explaining things so much easier when you can refer to an illustration.
  • pvernonpvernon Betatester 🖼️ 35 images Surveyor
    edited April 2011
    Bomber formations and merchant ships and escorts for "Mustangs and Messerschmidts" (targets). The game is a full flight sim. I have also made copies of game boards for a few crayon games; "Rails Across the Rockies", "Source of the Nile", and "Belter".
  • edited April 2011
    I remember that episode of the Twilight Zone - and it was one of the best! Honestly when I think about it - you could probably do an entire game system scenario / game product - or series of books around that one episode. I wonder who still owns the rights to that story - because if it were public domain - it would be completely free to run with it, develope it, and see where it could go! OK - I'M CALLING DIBBS ON THIS ONE GUYS! LOL :) Hmmmm - seems like the original "V" series might've beat me to it by a few years? - Aaaawwww - no worries - they just borrowed the premise, not the whole ball of wax, lol.

    Original author of the short story "To Serve Man" was Damon Knight. There are a lot of ebooks of this story out there. It was written in 1950 though - and Mr. Knight is recently deceased as of 2002 - so I really could not hazard to guess at the actual copyright status of the story itself unless I were to contact the copyright office? Hmmmmm...Gears are turning now...
  • I was just looking at copyright not long ago. It's something like 50 years after the death of the author if not more - assuming it is ALLOWED to lapse by publisher/rights holder. Also copyright time is increasingly extended by law, so by the time that point is reached for works first created within living memory laws will have likely extended it even further.
  • edited April 2011
    Hi "M.I.T.F.H.", been asleep - I'm middle aged and need my naps. Yeah - he would have had to renew the copyright in 1977 / 1978 - otherwise it IS PD, since it was published BEFORE 1967. The copyright acts in the U.S. that have basically killed the public domain - like the "Sony Bono Act" - was pushed by the big corporations because Disney didn't want Mickey to be up for for grabs, Warner Brothers wanted to keep the Road Runner under contract, and various other monkey suite outfits wanted to hog up stuff that should be public property by now.

    I tried to look through the Copyright registrations for 1950, 1977, and 1978 at

    but there are thousands of them - and they are NOT in alphabetical order - but are arranged under some kind of bizarre and confusing catalogue number system. It would take two months and nineteen pots of black coffee to mole through all of them. I even tried to look up the Knight estate so that I could maybe contact his widow - but that fell through. I couldn't find anything.

    Something's gotta give - because I know for a fact that there have been about a thousand ebooks from DIFFERENT COMPANIES of this story published - not to mention the oodles of derivative stories, movies, T.V. series, merchandise, creative elements, and parodies that have been made that were based on that story.

    My gut feeling is that it is PD, but I am NOT going to bet the bank on it. I'm not in the mood to have to marry a large, muscular, sweaty, tattooed felon, who smells like hot car upholstery, on cellblock "E" at Levinworth Federal Country Club. Besides - I look lousy in white, a viel really wouldn't improve my demeanor, I can't wear pumps because I'm flat footed, a corset would simply kill me - and I've heard that the receptions there suck anyway - because they're always hard pressed to find a good band that doesn't just play the blues - and when they spike the punch, it's usually with lighter fluid and cheap cough syrup. The wedding gifts suck to - I can use the carton of cigarettes, but what am I going to do with a shank, and a guitar made out of match sticks?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Warner's is releasing new Bugs Bunny, Daffy, etc. cartoons... according to adverts on Cartoon Network. No Mel Blanc for the voices though.
  • edited May 2011
    Ditto Jim - Mel Blanc was a unique once in an epoc creation of God. There are no substitutes, no pretenders to the throne. The man was irreplaceable.

    Those new cartoons will also likely suck wind anyway - irregardless of Blanc's absence - since all of the vintage Warner Bro's stuff have already been hacked to pieces, diluted, pacified, candy coated, white washed, and maimed horribly on the editorial cutting room floor - in the name of Politically Correct non-violent non-offensiveness - and warm toasty goo-gooness.

    A bunch of pablem puking, left wing, itchy eared subversives decided that they would dabble in a bit of censorship via a loud and abrasive mutual whine fest and boo hoo party - because they think that they know what's best for everybody else. Amazing. It's ok for kids in school to read Kapote's "In Cold Blood", or to talk about human sexuality in explicit, colorful terms - but woe unto you if you let a cartoon out of their pre-concieved, overly hyped "Pandora's Box", that shows all the gruesome and gory details of violence involving rubber mallets and A.C.M.E. Rocket Skates...WOW!

    I want it on the record that I hate "Dora The Explora", "Blues Clues", "Captain Planet", and all of the other dead pan drivel that in recent history has contributed to our children becoming drool drenched, depthless window lickers. But I digress.

    Getting back to the meat of the issue - I'll bet that there is still a lot of material out there ripe for game and product developement that resides in what remains of the picked bones of the public domain - case in point - the "Cthulu" craze. H.P. Lovecraft stuff is really hot right now - and actually his stuff is very unique and fresh from the usual fantasy / sci fi fare, despite it's age. Someone a couple of decades ago rediscovered it and ran with it. Heck - when I was a kid, I never heard of H.P. Lovecraft until all of the Horror flicks based on his writings started flieing out of the theaters and the video stores - namely "Reanimator","The Dunwich Horror", and "From Beyond", as well as a flick loosely based on his mythos called "In The Mouth Of Madness" that was pretty interesting. I'll wager you that there's something else out there buried in the P.D. vault that's just begging for a brand new paint job!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited May 2011
    Please. Copyrights and their expiration are not appropriate topics neither for this tread nor this forum. Some off-topic comments related to a on-topic tread are ok, but not complete discussions regarding such issues. I'll prefer not lock this tread, so let us get back on-topic, ok?
  • Gotcha Remy - enough with the copyright talk, although my personal opinion is that it DOES have something to do with just about any topic that you can think of that relates to art / creative endeavors - still - you are correct sir, and the thread did get a bit sidetracked. TOPIC = USED CC3 FOR NOT MAKING A MAP...Please proceed, and my apologies...
  • LatharionLatharion Traveler
    edited May 2011
    I used CC3 to create a template for a project for my wife (coffee-mug sleeves). She wanted something that was properly to scale with exacting dimensions and could have words placed at the same arc. CC3 fit perfectly, including nifty textures!
  • saunderlsaunderl Traveler
    I've used CC2/CC3 for circuit board diagrams and for award certificates.
  • 13 days later
  • AndyStaplesAndyStaples Newcomer
    edited May 2011
    Can I put myself in the running for an uber-geek award?

    I used CC3 to make... wait for it...


    Drum roll, thank you.
  • LatharionLatharion Traveler
    Hey! I haven't played Car Wars in many years. Nice one.
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