New, Part 2

Alright.... I'm asking again, because I really really really need help with this. I'm trying to come up with a decent map for my world for my writing. I'm not an artist, I'm not experienced with this program, so I really don't understand all the technical talk, and the user guide with all the tutorials really don't help me.

I need some tips for someone who really is... stupid when it comes to figuring this program out.

- Tricks with mountains
- Tricks with tracing. Tracing is broken for me. I try and trace, and rather then getting the part I want, it auto-traces the whole map EXCEPT for what I wanted to trace
- What size should I do for a big continent, what size is good for a region in relation, and so on?
- Trees. Should I do the fills for the trees, or should I populate them myself

Why is it I can't find the more brown/deserty looking mountains, when I can access them from the symbol set on the tutorial map?

Finally, where can I find winter terrain? I need a tundra looking area.

Thanks! This is all a bit frustrating. I'm incompetent at this, but I can't afford to just hire a cartographer to make my map lol.


  • I had the same problem with tracing. The trick is you have to click points in a clockwise direction (or was it counter clockwise, I forget). But that should solve the issue for you.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I use 'polygon' on the right side of CC3 to fairly closely flllow the shore. But I make little effort to be exact. i have a template with various bitmap fills to make the contours with.
  • .... I still need help with my other questions, because as it is, every attempt I make is horrible.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited April 2011
    Create a fill style entry in a template you are using.

    Go over to the FS on the upper right of CC3. Click on it.

    You now have a Fill Style Properties popup. Click on Bitmap fills.

    Click on New. Give it a name, Ice.

    Click okay. Browse to the bitmap fill you want for Ice. Click on Find. And browse for the png you want to use for that bitmap fill.

    Select it. Click Open, Click Okay.

    Now you have a bitmap fill named Ice.

    Save as the template to keep it so it can be used for any more maps that need it.

    To use it. Select Polygon on the right side of CC3, Click on the FS, and select Ice, draw the polygon.

    This is basically how I created the bitmap fill template i have on my web site, and I use different color bitmaps to draw terrian by height.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Hmm... CC3 froze up on me as I slowly walked through the process above so I could type it up. So, know where your bitmap fill is located on your hard drive before starting. I put mine under c:\path to\Profantasy\CC3\bitmaps
  • Awesome, figured that one out, thanks!

    The map size is probably biggest issue now. That and my crashing... which is frustrating me big time this morning. It's hard to work on maps if I keep crashing while trying to load them. I posted on the support forums for that...
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