Changing the colors on Cosmographer Symbols

Hello All, first post here, and I am hoping you guys can help me out.

So, I want to make a 3d Starmap, thus I activate that template (Cosmographer Starmapr 3d). I tell the Symbol Catalog chooser that I want 3D Stars and begin trying to place the stars on my Starmap. So far so good.

I think it's a great idea to put a small circle and line connecting stars that are "raised and lowered" in relation to the axis and other stars. I think that's wonderful, but I HATE the colors of said circles and lines. The Starmap Options Toggle seems to indicate the ability to change certain aspects of things, but it doesn't seem to allow me to change those red and green circles and lines.

Do you guys have any idea how I can do that?


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Hi there,

    I've created a quick little fix to this:

    - Unzip the attached base symbol catalog over CC3/Symbols/Cosmographer/ overwriting basesym.fsc.
    - Open your starmap options and select the varicolor versions (ending in "vc") for the different symbols. Set your colors as you want.
    - the height indicators will now be your custom colors.
  • CorradusCorradus Newcomer
    edited March 2011
    Umm, I got the first part right - I overwrote the file with the one you sent me (thank you!) But I am not sure how to do the second part.

    And I found a way to substitute vc planets and stuff for the standard green and red raise and lower ovals...but I don't want to use other planets or stars for that, I just want to change the colors of the ovals and do I do that?
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