
So I did this little test. I made a 8000x8000 map. I put random symbols on it and took it into photo shop. When I zoomed in, the symbols were blurry I am use to putting 1000x800 canvas's together in photo shop for one big map. Once I learned how to tweak the size of the canvas I have yet to do a complete well done map, which I would like to do. Is there anyway to change the whole picture as a wholes pixel resolution in CC3 for more of a crisp look when I put the jpeg into Photo shop?


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    jpegs are lossy. Try a png instead.
  • Still the same result with png. I looked at ralf's knownworld map that he made with 10kx8k and he has decent resolution. I wonder what he did.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Are you setting the options to a high-resolution when saving the map as a png? FOr a good export it should probably be something like 4000x3000 pixels.

    Save As > select PNG bitmap file > hit Options to change this value.
  • No.. I know what the problem is.

    It's the dreaded CC3 not changing the symbol/bitmap resolution from low to high etc on export to bitmap. (yes this bug appers to still exist i ran into it on 2 maps recently and had to re-export them just haven't gotten around to reporting it to support as I already have one support ticket in that linda's gotta talk to ralph about ;) )

    to fix this problem zoom in BEFORE you export so the symbols look good. OR go to :

    View - Display Speed Options
    Fixed Bitmap Quality: VERY HIGH
    Clear Cache.

    Basically what happens on export i've found is CC3 isn't automatically grabbing the best quality symbols but rathre what ever symbols res it's presently showing. so if your zoomed your not getting the greatest quality symbols (Ralph if you read this I can show two examples with the Mines where this happened i'm fairly certain I have the one that exported really nicely and the one that didn't and i only did that one at about 4k x 4k)
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